The Dudes.

  • Abel

    Abel likes nice things, and he’s not afraid to talk about it. He’s been working hard his whole life in order to achieve the success he is now enjoying. And no, he’s not teasing you by sticking out his tongue. He ate some spicy Korean soup, and he needs a glass of water, stat!

  • Abraham

    Abraham is not very talkative, so we don’t know much about him yet. We do know that he is a deep thinker and likes to contemplate the universe and his place in it. He is an advocate of psychedelics in his community.

  • Ace

    Ace has been dating a lot lately, but he can’t seem to find the right one for him. It’s not that he can’t find a match. It’s that every girl is THE ONE in his eyes. Basically, he’s a lover, not a fighter. As a result, he keeps breaking hearts and having his broken as well. Hang in there, Ace!

  • Adam

    Some people just can't get enough! Adam is such a guy, living life on the edge. He loves the extremes. The fact it attracts lots of attention, especially from the females, is very flattering. There's just a tiny thing that bothers him a bit. He's turning forty this month and he knows that his body is paying the price for his dangerous lifestyle.

  • Adonis

    Adonis is a stay-at-home dad. When he is not taking care of his two kids, he spends his time learning code in hopes of one day becoming a developer. His favorite hobbies outside of computers are laser tag and paintball wars.

  • Adoo

    Adoo is a male nurse. Yes, he gets Meet the Parents jokes all the time, but on the real, this guy is one of the most important people in his community. He is always down to lend a helping hand and to speak an encouraging word. Much respect to our man, Adoo.

  • Adrian

    Adrian is a brilliant magician. At first, it was just card tricks for his friends at school. Next it was a Youtube channel where he performed various stunts. Now, he is planning a world tour with a few of his clay friends. Wish him luck!

  • Aiden

    Aiden had a Portuguese girlfriend in high school, and as a result, he became fluent in the language. Later he went to accounting school, and now he has combined his skills to serve the Portuguese immigrant community in Toronto, Canada.

  • Alejandro

    Alejandro is the owner and operator of one of the world’s largest aquaponics farms. What started out as a hobby now provides sustenance to entire communites in his country. His long-term goal is to feed the world for free.

  • Aldo

    Aldo is a huge fan of the Earth Natives project on Cardano. In fact, he is thinking about changing his career path to try to do similar charitable works. He believes in the concept of #NFTs4Good, and he is excited to see how the blockchain develops in the future!

  • Alex

    Alex is a private investigator. He mainly specializes in missing persons, but in recent months, due to an influx of computer-related fraud, he has shifted his focus toward taking down scammers and phishermen. Thank you for your service, Alex.

  • Alistair

    Alistair was born in the wrong decade. He just loves the Flower power era and everything that goes with it. He's such a positive person and lights up everyone's day. And he is the one that doesn't judge, ever. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if there were more people like him? His favorite quote is "The cry of 'Flower Power' echoes through the land. We shall not wilt. Let a thousand flowers bloom."(Abbie Hoffman)

  • Alfonso

    We don’t know exactly how old Alfonso is, but we do know that he is much older than he looks. Since the early 2000s, he has been on a strict diet, exercise program, and skincare regimen. He looks fantastic, and he feels even better!

  • Alfred

    Alfred is from Southie (Boston, MA). He leads a simple life. He goes to his 9 to 5. He hangs out with his girlfriend and her kid when he’s not working. His passion is Boston sports, especially the Bruins. We are still trying to figure out the TV heads and what they mean.

  • Alto

    Alto is a tour guide in central Mongolia. When people from all around the world visit his area, he teaches them how to hunt, cook, and fight in the ancient ways. Alto looks rough and tough, but on the inside, he’s a teddy bear who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

  • Amari

    Amari is a real lifesaver. When he was a boy, his father drowned during a heavy storm. From that moment on he knew what he would like to be - a rescue diver, and it became his first priority. He got a medical degree and even became part of the fire brigade. He knows he was born for this wonderful life of service.

  • Amir

    Wanna meet a professional writer? Here is one! Amir, also called The Wordsmith, is a magician and can make up a story or play just by seeing an example. Directors and publishers are fighting over him because they know they have guaranteed success with him on board. For Amir, money is nothing, and process is everything!

  • Amos

    Amos was one of the first Lip Dudes we met. Turns out, he’s super cool. He is the maître d’ at one of the finest restaurants in New York City. After work, he loves going to underground rap battles as both an observer and a participant. We have learned a lot from him, and look forward to getting to know him better!

  • Anderson

    Anderson couldn’t sleep well, he felt restless. Being a historian is both exciting and exhausting. Spending your days in very poor conditions to collect information is not everyone's cup of tea. His specialty has always been the statues of human figures, known as moai. He thinks it's fascinating how our ancestors carved them out of stone.

  • Andre

    Andre is everyone’s best friend. He is good at just about everything. He’s smart, funny, and always looking for excitement. He’s just the kind of guy you want to be around.

  • Andres

    Andres just got back from his honeymoon with one of the Clay Girls! Can you guess who? He took such a keen liking to scuba diving that he still hasn’t taken off his mask, and all day he dreams about the exotic fish he saw during his trip!

  • Andrew

    Andrew always had trouble making friends growing up. He had low self-esteem and a generally shy personality. One day, he chanced upon an ad for a foosball club in his town. He joined and since then, he has found it easier to open up and even to smile from time to time!

  • Angelo

    How do you look when you get bad news? Exactly, just like Angelo is looking now. For months he was searching for a new job. Then he applied for his dream job at Disneyland, but was rejected. Yep, they picked someone else. The only positive thing about it is that they will keep him in mind for the next one. It will be a long wait, but is he giving up hope? Never!

  • Anibal

    Anibal reads. That is nothing new. Everywhere you see him, he will be carrying a book. It's in his nature to be curious, to wanna know as much as he can find out. It's just a hobby and has nothing to do with his everyday job. He's a hairdresser and has been that for almost twenty years. He loves chatting with people from all walks of life!

  • Anthony

    Word has it that Anthony is a celebrity who most people know. He recently entered a competition called “The Masked Skater” in which people have to guess who he is. So far, no one has got the correct answer, so we are on the edge of our seats!

  • Antonio

    Antonio is his name. He was asked to entertain at a party. Dressed all up, he went there, but to his surprise they tricked him and he was kidnapped. He must admit, though, that the others who live with him seem nice!

    - @Toverberg5

  • Apollo

    Apollo is punk rock, but not necessarily in the traditional way. He believes that the true definition of punk is to educate oneself of history, politics, health, and well-being. He believes that only through knowledge and health can we truly buck against the system.

  • Archer

    Archer is a professional horse appraiser. He’s spent his whole life around horses and knows what it takes for them to become champions on the track. He made a fortune on bets when he was younger, but he decided it was unfair, so he quit gambling a few years ago.

  • Armando

    Meet a true gentleman named Armando! Today he has some free time and that means he’s going to the horse races. Not to gamble, just to look how those horses run. The sight of powerful beasts in action is very appealing to him. In the old days, his father, Lord Andrew, kept horses himself, so Armando grew up amongst them. He hopes to save up enough to buy his own racehorse someday.

  • Arthur

    Arthur is super chill. In fact, he’s one of our favorite guys to hang out with out of all the Lip Dudes. He’s an 80s baby. He’s a connoisseur of fine wines and spirits, and he loves music, especially the band Incubus! See you soon, Arthur.

  • Asher

    Once a degen, always a degen, Asher knows what he's talking about. He learned about crypto through a friend. The stories were only positive, of course, so he didn't think one second. He was in! Can you predict what happened? Instead of doing research, he bought, minted and lost a chunk of money. Some people never learn. We hope he does.

  • Ashton

    Ashton is one of the top members of the Lip Gang. His main responsibility is to make sure all of the members of the gang are acting right, so he has to keep an eye on them. His most common orders are to help the elderly and homeless.

  • Atlas

    Atlas is a practical joker. Last week he snuck in our house and rearranged all our furniture. Friendship with Atlas can be trying at times, but we have to admit he’s pretty funny. And there’s never a dull moment when he’s around, that’s for sure.

  • Atticus

    Atticus is a notorious has-been boxer from the peninsula of Lipland. He was a champion in the past, but now, in his late thirties, he is well past his prime and struggling to stay relevant in the boxing world. Despite this, he is still very determined and continues to train relentlessly, hoping to make a comeback and regain his former glory.

  • August

    When August was a child, he had an accident that severely affected his face. We don’t know the exact details of what happened, but we do know this guy is as cool as they come. He is a bright soul with so much knowledge, humor and depth of character to offer the word.

  • Augustus

    Augustus is a model. He’s not known worldwide, but he earns a nice income from it. Most shoots are for clothing companies. He likes to see himself online or even in catalogs. He thinks it’s an easygoing job, but then again, he doesn’t have a true reference to judge from. He doesn't know anything else. Unfortunately, he saw some of the negative side of the job recently. Last week, his manager had a little talk about wrinkles! Poor guy.

  • Austin

    Austin took a trip to Cuba when he was in college, and it flipped his world upside down. Everything he thought he knew about life was flipped on its head. Since then, he has become an avid traveler, writer, and love enthusiast. As you can see, though, his one true love is our Clay Lips girl, Allegra.

  • Avery

    Who is the funniest Dude in town? Avery is! A real comedian, there’s never a dull moment when he's around. First thing in the morning, he grabs a coffee around the corner. Every day. Some people come to pick up their breakfast in that place just because they know Avery is present. A joke a day takes your sorrows away, is his saying.

  • Axel

    "When you are young, have fun!" Axel lives by this motto, and to be honest. he's really bad news. His parents have been through a lot, they have tried everything. Punishment, boarding school, nothing helped. Now, as he approaches adulthood, they really worry. Will he go on doing all those bad things, it's out of their hands. Axel in the meantime doesn't care, not one bit. He's already thinking about his next move and it's no good at all.

  • Axton

    Axton has struggled with his weight for most of his life. He's tired of being picked on and bullied because of his size. He has also always been fascinated by the way of the ninja, and he's decided to join the local ninja academy to learn discipline, focus and the art of Ninjutsu. He's committed to training hard every day and learning the skills he needs to become a true ninja.

  • Ayden

    Ayden is not quite sure what to make of this world. His favorite quote is: It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. We agree. But we do hope that Ayden takes time to relax and to smile once in a while.

  • Aziel

    Aziel mysteriously woke up one morning with wings and super dope laser beam eyes. He suspects that the CIA or perhaps even intergalactic insurgents might be responsible for his transformation, but he isn't quite sure why. With his laser beam eyes, he is able to see through walls and into the hearts of others. The stories get heavy from time to time, but you gotta pay the price for greatness.

  • Banks

    Banks is a Web 3 architect. He is supremely talented and could eventually be renowned (and rich) because of his skill. However, he is not interested in that. Instead, he wants to go to the inner cities and help kids get out by teaching them everything he knows.

  • Barrett

    To be honest, we didn’t really like Barrett when we first met him. He was a bit brash.. a bit too confident. But later, we warmed up to him when we saw just how honest and generous he is. When you hang with Barrett, you’re getting on hundred percent authenticity.

  • Bayron

    Bayron comes from a big family of all brothers. Growing up was tough. There were lots of fights, broken bones, and bruises. But now, Bayron is happy for that upbringing as it’s made him into the strong husband and father he is today.

  • Beau

    Beau ran with the wrong crowd in is youth, and as a result, he ended up in trouble time and time again. One day, though, he met a real mentor who helped him get back on track, and now he owns a successful dispensary in Denver, CO. He is still struggling to quit cigarettes. Any tips?

  • Beckett

    Beckett was on track to become a pro footballer. Unfortunately, a serious accident derailed his career. Fortunately, he has found peace in sailing. He has circumnavigated the globe twice, each time starting in his current home base, Spain.

  • Beckham

    Beckham has recently achieved his lifelong dream of buying a small cottage on a tropical island. He runs a small bed and breakfast where he sits and chats with travelers from all around the world. He loves reggae music, and he is thinking about taking up the guitar as a new hobby.

  • Bellamy

    Bellamy is a deep thinker. He is constantly contemplating the meaning of life and the depths of the universe. He writes down his thoughts in notebooks, which he keeps on a shelf in his home office. His friends are always urging him to share his thoughts with the world!

  • Benedict

    There are people who stand out, and then you have the average ones. What does this mean? When do you pin this on someone? Benedict asks himself this almost every day. He gets to hear it on a regular basis. It makes him feel useless, invisible and a lot of other things. And he dwells on it, and he gets caught in a downward spiral of negativity. If you see him, please give him a warm smile.

  • Benicio

    Benicio has always struggled with an unusual condition. He has the ability to release bursts of energy from his ears in the form of laser beams. At first, this seemed like a cool party trick, but as he has gotten older, he has come to realize that it can be dangerous and often uncontrollable. He has accidentally destroyed several pieces of furniture and even burned a hole in his neighbor's garage.

  • Benjamin

    Benjamin was tired of his job and life in general. Then he found Cardano and aped in heavily. He quit his job, and things were going great. Unfortunately, the market crashed shortly thereafter. He is discouraged, for sure, but he still believes in the future of crypto!

  • Bennett

    "Bennett loves weed" There is more to his story. When he found out that a friend wasn't well, he decided it was time to change his path. He is still smoking it but he also grows it to help friends as pain medication. Ask for "Doc Bennett", he will find you! - @Toverberg5

  • Benson

    Benson, a scientist/farmer, is the perfect example of how to live the perfect life. Growing up on a farm is amazing. It's hard work, but you get so much back from it. Talking about the farm, it’s been in the family for generations, and Benson is about to pass the baton. He is ready for some peace and quiet, although he will be in close proximity. He will move just around the corner to a little cottage with his pet pig, Buddy.

  • Bentley

    Bentley was a super successful Wall Street guy, but he simply wasn’t happy. He started reading books and talking to people about spirituality and philosophy. Now. he has found his calling. He currently runs a retreat somewhere in the Amazon. The exact location is on a need-to-know basis.

  • Benzino

    Benzino is a ladies man. He loves getting dressed up, wearing lots of cologne, and going out to the club every weekend. He wants to settle down someday maybe, but for now, he’s a young guy who wants to live his life!

  • Bigsby

    Bigsby recently quit his job with a prominent news outlet in the San Francisco Bay area. He feels like media isn’t telling us the whole story anymore, and he wants to do his part to change that. He is assembling a team of likeminded journalists to join him on his journey!

  • Bishop

    Bishop is a yoga instructor in his local community center. His aim is to help the people he knows develop healthy habits. He believes that regular yoga practice is a great path toward a peaceful mind and strong body.

  • Bjorn

    Bjorn was a professional chess player! He played in the top ten tournaments worldwide until recently, when he noticed that his eyesight was getting worse and that also his hands started to shake more and more. Sadly, the doctor told him he has a condition known as multiple sclerosis. Coping with this news will take time, but he is positive.

  • Blake

    Blake is a military veteran who served his country in both Iraq and Afghanistan. His aim is always to serve and protect the people he cares about, which basically means everyone. He does deal with PTSD, and he talks about this with other veterans to let them know they are not alone.

  • Blaze

    Can you be called a weed whale? Blaze is a wizard when it comes to growing marijuana. Everything he touches grows like crazy, so he decided to do something with this talent. He has a flourishing greenhouse business on the outskirts of Lipton, and Lip Dudes and Ladies travel from all around to pick up his product.

  • Bling

    Bling is a mystery for a lot of people. Looking smart, confident, witty, it's all there. It's like he has at least two personalities. Let's talk about an example; Bling is going to a music festival with some friends, all dressed up, his charming self. He has a great time until, suddenly he changes into a scared little bird. It's like he freezes, just standing there tucked in a corner.

  • Bobby

    Bobby is one of the best Muay Thai fighters in the world. He’s originally from Thailand, but he’s spent the past decade traveling around the world, teaching his craft to all kinds of people. He believes in passing culture down so that future generations can reach their fullest potential.

  • Bodhi

    Bodhi still can't believe it! He is speechless - the right word to describe his shock. After all those years, he has won the lottery - what a blast! The TV is still on, but he doesn't hear what they are talking about. A thousand thoughts run through his head - how his life is going to change, what he will do with all that money, his mother working two jobs. It doesn't stop there. Wait, let's rewind just to be sure. It's nerve-wracking. There it is - six numbers, and they are all on his list! He doesn't know what to do with himself. He has been alone for a few years, so who is he going to call? Breathe in, breathe out, Bodhi. Let's wait until tomorrow.

  • Bootsie

    We’ve never seen Bootsie without his pipe. We don’t know exactly what’s in the pipe, but it smells kind of sweet. He says it is his own secret recipe, and that it helps him peek behind the curtain. We feel like Bootsie is on the verge of an intellectual breakthrough of some kind!

  • Boston

    I can't take it anymore, Boston says to his psychiatrist. I've been an intern here for half a year and it doesn't seem to get better. He agreed to this clinical trial, but is starting to regret it all. Now, now, don't give up. You've come this far, is the response. It's not a satisfying answer. I'm not finishing this. I'm going to step out. I don't believe in it and that is final! He races out of the office, his personal belongings already packed. He opens the door and steps outside, taking a deep breath of relief. Let's go work on my recovery - one I support.

  • Bowen

    Bowen has two main talents - freediving and basketball. He uses his incredibly powerful wings to propel himself underwater and to lift himself high into the air. In his free time, he likes to stream true crime documentaries.

  • Brady

    Some people know a lot about one thing. Others know a little about a lot of things. Brady knows a lot about everything. He and his buddy, Unicorn, like to chill and philosophize about what we’re doing here and what it all means.

  • Brandon

    Brandon is the lead singer of a local rock band. People say that the band has what it takes to step up to the next level. Brandon is also fascinated by Web 3, and he is especially interested in how his band could pursue their career in the metaverse.

  • Brantley

    Brantley is a high school science teacher from middle America. You wouldn’t guess it by looking at him, but he was actually thinking about joining an international B-boy group when he was younger. This dude’s breakdancing skills are incredible.

  • Braxton

    Braxton never wanted to be crowned; it’s damn heavy! He does not want the responsibility and he certainly doesn’t want the attention or accolades. In fact, he doesn’t feel like a monarchy is appropriate for the Clay Lips and would rather abdicate except that wouldn’t bring government reform at all. There’s no danger of revolution because the Clay Lips love their king, but Braxton feels lonely at the top.

  • Brayden

    It's quiet in the stadium - you can hear a pin drop. Brayden stands on the podium, looking at all the people who are looking back at him. Then the music starts - the national anthem is on. He feels very emotional after winning the race, and even did it with a new record. His teammates are looking from the sideline, supporting him. He is the new swimming champion - what a tournament it's been. The music stops and everyone cheers. He waves to the crowd, feeling humble and grateful. No one can take this moment away - it's all his.

  • Brickshaw

    Brickshaw is the king of his domain no matter where he is. His presence commands respect, and that’s not a surprise. He makes smart business decisions while still being a loyal friend and partner. Did we mention he is a rapper with one of the most unique delivery styles we’ve ever heard?

  • Briggs

    Briggs is the size of a sumo wrestler, but he has the speed and agility of a world-class kickboxer. He is a professional bounty hunter with an impressive resume. He has done it all from capturing serial killers to toppling dictatorships.

  • Brock

    Brock is a hardworking professional during the day, and a fun loving comedian by night. He started his career as an open-micer, but he quickly elevated his status in the industry. In fact, he just recently headlined his first show! Time to quit his day job, you think?

  • Bruce

    Been there, done that. Bruce can say that about pretty much everything. He’s an OG at life, and he has the brains to show for it. The thing is, he’s never satisfied. He has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and sharing what he knows with everyone he knows. Much respect, Bruce.

  • Bruno

    Bruno was having trouble seeing far away signs and objects. The trouble was that he was traveling abroad in Vietnam when his eyesight got too bad to bear. He went into a little shop that had a picture of glasses on the sign and came out with super lasers! Let’s go!

  • Bryce

    After years and year of hitting the bottle hard, Bryce finally decided to give it up. Oh, that? That’s just an N.A. brew. But wait, don’t judge! The brew Bryce is drinking is one he invented himself in his own kitchen, and it’s actually pretty delicious! Even better, though when you drink it, you get an immediate sense of focus like never before. You’re locked in! We guarantee that when people outside of Lipland try this drink, Bryce’s life is going to change overnight!

  • Byron

    Byron is a chess prodigy. He started playing regularly at age 3. At age 5, he beat all of his older brothers and his dad. He won’t reveal his current age to us, but we do know that he is one of the favorites to become world champion next year!

  • Callahan

    Callahan was a taxi driver for years and years until he decided to venture out and start up a driving service of his own. It’s been hard work, but he says he finally feels a sense of self worth that he has never felt before. We’re proud of you, C!

  • Callum

    Callum is a high school P.E. teacher. He knows it’s not the most glamorous job in the world, but the students love him, and for him, molding young minds is what it’s all about. Occasionally, he sneaks in conversations about global politics and current events that are good food for thought for the young folks as well.

  • Calvin

    Calvin is so glad he graduated and he never has to subject himself to those superficial fools again. You see, in school kids made fun of Calvin. They called him names and laughed at his weight and made fun of him for being a subpar student. Calvin did not like sitting at a desk all day long -- it was soul-crushing to him. Calvin much prefers his forestry job where he feels free as a bird.

  • Camden

    Camden is looking for his long-lost friend. If you see this man, please notify him (or us) at once!

  • Camilo

    Camilo has a rare condition in which mushrooms grow out of his head. Aside from looking cool, he is continuously in varying states of trippyness. He loves ADA. He loves Trippy ADA. He likes pancakes. And he loves waffles.

  • Carl

    Carl is elated to be alive in the golden age of TV. He streams anything and everything, but his favorites are definitely all the sci-fi shows and movies, both classic and modern. He can’t wait until the Clay Lips have something streaming!

  • Carlos

    Carlos is in a country that's filled with culture, history, food, nature, and great outdoor activities. International students pay low tuition fees at the universities there, which is also good. He wants to get his Bachelor's degree, so this seemed like the perfect choice. Being in his fourth and final year, Carlos now feels like he's on the home stretch. The long hours take their toll, but it's all been worthwhile.

  • Carmello

    Carmello dreams of being the lead singer/guitarist in an indie rock band. He was somewhat reluctantly pulled into a band that Ian wanted to start to save the planet or something, Carmello didn’t really pay attention. Carmello dreams of being on stage and receiving the applause and praise of adoring fans, but he hasn’t really found the drive that will motivate him to work hard and strive for success.

  • Carson

    At first, he though it was a mole, but it continued to grow. He went to several doctors, but no one could figure it out. There was a statue growing from his head! He still feels discouraged about it, but it’s… growing on him.

  • Casey

    Casey was perfectly happy working 9-5 because his job was fairly simple, his coworkers were fun, and he could leave his work at the office when he punched out. Then one day he signed up for a medical trial -- Pascal was working on something new -- and everything started to change. Casey signed the waiver and he knew the risks but he was not prepared for the changes that started to happen.

  • Cassius

    Cassius is a stay-at-home dad who, n his free time, volunteers at the local school as a coach for the eight-year-old soccer team. He loves getting to know the boys and their parents and forming strong bonds with them. Cassius is known as Coach Cassius to the kids and is highly respected all around Lipland.

  • Cedric

    Cedric is bored, so very bored! He has not found that thing in life that really gives meaning and purpose, so Cedric kind of floats through life, his head in the clouds, dreaming of doing great things that he just doesn’t have the focus or will-power to even try. Cedric has plenty of potential and he’s got the wits and ability to do great things, but he needs to find his calling and light that fire inside.

  • Cesar

    Cesar is a spoken word artist. He has been performing for many years in all types of venues from the NYC Subway to the markets of Istanbul. He is especially interested in stories about mysticism and mythology.

  • Chance

    Chance loves racing -- cars, boats, planes, you name it. If it goes fast, Chance wants to be driving. He started racing when he was barely big enough to balance a motorcycle and it made his mother crazy with anxiety. Every year Chance competes in the great Le Lips race which he has won twice. He is currently looking for sponsors for his rally team and hopes to win it all this year.

  • Chandler

    Ever since he was young, Chandler has had a voice that people simply like to hear. Whether it’s the tone of his voice or the actual words he says, we aren’t exactly sure. Regardless, Chandler is one of the most sought after motivational speakers of his generation, commanding up to six figures per gig.

  • Charlie

    Charlie’s main hobbies are smoking a pipe and sunbathing. To be honest, he’s not the easiest Dude to get along with. He grew up without siblings and a mother that spoiled him rotten. Let's just say he didn't have the best role models in life. On the bright side, he’s still young. Let's hope there will come a day he sees the light.

  • Chase

    Chase is the golden boy. He has it all – good looking, kind, intelligent! His parents are common people and sometimes they had no idea how to raise him. Sometimes it felt the other way around! But in the end they did a good job and Chase has grown up as an outstanding adult. His job? Oh, he is a ventriloquist. He performs for huge audiences all over the world with his unicorn puppet.

  • Chester

    Chester lives out in California. He is normally a very relaxed and easygoing guy. However, you do not want to make him angry. He is an expert in at least three martial arts. Also, he will be competing in the World’s Strongest Man competition next year. UPDATE: Chester recently invented some potion that makes him invisible. More to come…

  • Chris

    Chris has pretty much been through it all. He grew up on the streets in one of the worst neighborhoods you can imagine. His teachers gave up on him. His friends and family betrayed him. But through it all, he has never given up. He is now a mentor to kids who are going through what he did.

  • Clay

    Clay has a quiet charisma that has made him the unofficial leader of the Lip Dudes. People look to him for advice and private counsel. When there is a problem among some of the Dudes, they seek out Clay to mediate. We have high expectations for him in the future.

  • Clayton

    Clayton is a music promoter. He has shows almost every weekend, and when the weather turns warm he puts on weekend music festivals, but his pride and joy is the great Burning Lips festival which takes place in a remote part of Lipland and draws folks from both Lipton and Lippyville. He isn’t as young as he used to be, but Clayton can still party hearty and he has the BEST stories.

  • Cliff

    He was waiting for almost an hour. His ticket said it was almost his turn. It's about time, he mumbled. Today he would get the x-ray results. Was an operation possible or would it end here and now? Nervous, he walked to the specialist's room and knocked. Sit down, Cliff, make yourself comfortable. I have good news, we can adjust the position of your jaw so your front teeth will get more room.

  • Conrad

    Conrad is irate with his (former?) friend Asher for wasting all of his inherited money. He says Asher is terrible for not having the decency to tell him that the investment wasn't going well. He is demanding that Asher find a solution and fix the problem, and he’s threatening to end their friendship if he can’t. Conrad can’t believe that he was so naïve and trusted Asher so blindly.

  • Crispy

    This is Crispy AKA Sweetlips. He lost an eye in a freak apple bobbing contest, he still won, tho. Sells #CNFTs by day and at night, he’s a nude art model. Currently looking for love in all the wrong places Help this guy out! - @liamjconway1

  • Cohen

    Cohen is a substitute teacher for his entire region. He is constantly on the go, on his way to his next assignment. The reason why he is so popular is because every time he goes into a class of “bad apples” it always plays out like a movie script. It really is amazing. Big ups, Cohen!

  • Cole

    Cole is just an average guy. He works in a warehouse stacking boxes, and after work, he usually goes out for a drink and some darts with the boys. He’s an avid collector of antiques and artifacts, and he’s thinking about opening his own shop.

  • Colin

    Colin was one of the first Lip Dudes we met. He hangs out in the park playing chess most of the time. While playing, he likes to talk to people, especially young folks, about the blockchain. He never ceases to be amazed at how many people aren’t jumping on board!

  • Colson

    Colson is a beach bum and an avid surfer. When he’s not in the water, he’s on the boardwalk busking for change so he can buy burritos. He considers himself a Tex-Mex food connoisseur, and he is thinking about saving up to buy a food truck!

  • Connor

    Connor used to be the greatest tennis player in the history of Clay Lips. He was so competitive that his fire sometimes became incandescent -- he would rage at judges and smash rackets. The pressure and anxiety were intense, to say the least. Connor found a way to make it all melt away, but now he has a hard time remembering things and he often feels paranoid. Ups and downs…

  • Cooper

    Cooper is a music producer. We have tried to nail down the genre, but it’s kind of impossible. It’s obvious that this guy has been influenced by everything. He tells us not to put a label on him because he is trying to make a sound that resonates with all humans!

  • Corbin

    Corbin is a collector of exotic reptiles. He has been bitten many times but has never so much as visited a hospital. “The venom makes me stronger,” he says. If you ever get a chance, we highly recommend you watch this guy handle his family of king cobras.

  • Courtney

    Courtney was so thirsty he could hardly speak. He emptied his glass. “How did the competition end?” people asked. Close loss but very satisfying. Courtney has been playing the trumpet for almost ten years, and he aspires to be the next Miles Davis. But for now, he’s just thirsty!

  • Crew

    Crew was walking back to the cruise ship. The ship had docked in Mexico for a couple of hours so the guests were free to discover the city. Every year he picks out one to spoil himself. He's a businessman and works long hours... except when it’s July when he takes three weeks off. No suit, no phone, he just enjoys his free time. Between you and me, he looks a bit heated, he'd better change in his swimming trunks and take a nice dive in the pool.

  • Crosby

    Crosby recently inherited a large plot of land in the rolling hills of Scotland. He has several ideas about what to do with the land, but he hasn’t made a decision. A golf course? A farm? A commune? We will keep you updated with his plans.

  • Cyrus

    Cyrus has always been a bit of a loner and a rebel. He currently resides in a dark castle atop a mountain somewhere in Eastern Europe. His hobbies are reading dusty books and tending to his bat farm. We keep telling him to download Tinder and try to get a date.

  • Dallas

    Dallas is a proponent of education reform. It may not be the sexiest job in the world, but he truly believes that the system, as it stands, is killing children’s creativity. He encourages you to think about the world you want to see, and then to be that change!

  • Damian

    Damian has always been kind of a black sheep in his family. All of his siblings are slender, but he’s heavy. They all like to stay at home, but he likes to go out and meet people. He feels like there’s something he doesn’t know about his personal history and that he isn’t free to ask questions about it.

  • Dan

    Dan is kind of an "in between" person. He has trouble saying yes or no. He is more of a maybe, perhaps, I don't know guy. Some people just find it hard to make decisions. Friends from back in the day know how to deal with him, they just know. Don't ask him what he wants or likes, you won't get an answer. The best thing you can do is decide for him. He won't mind.

  • Dante

    How does it feel to be trapped in your own body? Your head feels like cotton balls, and your mind does not do what you want it to do. Dante has been struggling for many months now, but lately he has the feeling that little things are changing for the good. It goes back a long way so it's understandable that it will be a bumpy road. Hidden feelings need time but slowly he feels like he can remove some of those cotton balls.

  • Dariel

    Dariel is still in disbelief. He was chosen to be the new frontman of the Lipland Charity Network he's part of. They support homeless people and Dariel knows what that means, he's been there. It's a big city and the numbers are growing. He knows from experience how hard it is to leave that life behind once you are in it.

  • Dario

    Despite his severe demeanor, the Clay Lips kids love Shifu Dario. He was shocked at the poor physical shape of the school children and their lack of focus. Thus, like Bodhidharma ages ago, Dario resolved to teach martial arts along with meditation. He believes the most important things in life are mastery of the body and the mind, which requires strict discipline and routine, and so do the children.

  • Darius

    Darius has a very busy day coming. He is a well known composer of music and writes for a lot of hip-hop artists. Today they will be recording an album in the studio so all hands on deck. He hasn’t gotten much sleep lately because of the deadline. Life can be hard sometimes but the rewards make it all worthwhile.

  • Dash

    Dash is a stage actor. It all started as a whim in high school when he and a couple friends joined the drama club. He discovered he had real talent, and was soon playing the lead role in several productions. We can’t wait to see this Dude on Broadway!

  • Davian

    Davian runs a small painting company in Connecticut. They paint houses, fences, and other structures, taking great pride in making the community look beautiful. Aside from his labor, he is an avid reader of non-fiction. He likes learning about people and what makes them tick.

  • David

    David doesn't know what to make of it, a friend wants him to cover for him. If it were something minor he wouldn't hesitate one minute, but this! Coming from a party, the friend and two other guys drove too fast and collided with another car. Luckily this car was parked with no one in it. Instead of calling the police they drove on. It's not that they drank too much; it was a stupidity. A witness saw it happen and managed to write down part of the license plate! The wrecked car belongs to an old lady he knows. What to do?

  • Dawson

    Dawson is a talented voice actor and impressionist. He especially likes doing cute cartoon characters. It’s a common belief that one shouldn’t take their work home, but Dawson disagrees, and his young children are happy about that!

  • Dean

    Dean is a musician, but he hasn’t been a member of a band since his teens. He knew at that time that it was too frustrating to work with others because, to be honest, they weren’t on his level. He’s a savant of sorts, and he is always in search of his lifetime masterpiece.

  • Declan

    Declan has his fingers in lots of pies, literally. He is an incredible baker who will wow you with his breads and pastries! Aside from that, he is an avid football fan, he has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering, and he’s thinking about running for public office this year.

  • Derrick

    Derrick always craved the attention and affection of his kung fu teacher, Shifu Dario, but he never came out of Kenji’s shadow. Derrick grew to be ingratiating, doing nothing for himself but only to gain approval. Kenji recognizes this, and so he leads Derrick by the nose. And Derrick spends so much time trying to be like Kenji that he has no idea who the real Derrick actually is.

  • Desmond

    The former b-ball star is now sitting on the bench. Desmond had it coming, not turning up at training lately, and it shows. When everybody tells you all the time how good you are, it can make you arrogant. You may even think you are invincible, but in the end no one is. Maybe it's for the best, sometimes you have to learn the hard way. He has about two months to prove himself, otherwise it is game over. It's time for him to show what he's worth.

  • Devin

    Devin discovered his talent for singing in the 6th grade when the school chorus teacher, Mr. Brown, encouraged him to sign up. We’re sure you haven’t seen his face before, but you’ve definitely heard his angelic voice on countless film scores.

  • Dexter

    In his younger years, Dexter was known for being a raver and spending all of his weekends at underground clubs and music festivals. However, as he got older, Dexter began to crave a more settled and grounded lifestyle. He recently decided to pursue his lifelong passion for knitting, which he loves for its soothing, therapeutic qualities. You can support him by visiting his show in downtown Lippyville and buying a scarf or some socks.

  • Dez

    Dez lives down on a small island in the Caribbean, but he also spends quite a bit of time at his home in New York City. He’s a skater and a painter, and a genuinely nice guy. He’s always been self-conscious about his fur, but we think it makes him unique and pretty darn cool.

  • Diego

    Meet Diego, such a special boy. The minute he was born his parents just knew. An old soul looking into the world as if he already lived a 100 years! Witnessing him growing up was like seeing everything through different eyes. He had a shining light around him. He made the world really a better place and every day seemed as if the sky, the flowers and the animals had more colors. Some say he can see the future.

  • Dimitri

    When he was 12 years old Dimitri got lost in the woods outside of town. Crying softly in the forest, he was met by an aged man as wrinkled as tree bark. The man told Dimitri he could share special knowledge with him if Dimitri would come back every year on that same day, and so he did. Slowly Dimitri learned all the wisdom this ancient man could share.

  • Dirk

    Everyone thinks the obvious when they meet Dirk. A perfect example how looks can deceive. No, he is not a villain, he is the most gentle man you ever could meet. What is his reason you wonder? It's because of his fascination of movies. As a little boy his granddad took him to the theatre and it made such a big impression that he fell in love. The way they dressed, the perfect clean faces with only a small beard or moustache. It was an instant attraction.

  • Dominic

    Dominic is an ambassador for Cardano in his home country, The Philippines. Specifically, he aims to use the blockchain to empower the members of his community. He invites you to visit him and learn about the food and culture he enjoys every day!

  • Don

    Don is one of the nicest guys we know. He always has a word of encouragement for anyone he meets. We also admire his diligence, especially when it comes to promoting the Cardano Blockchain. Be sure to say Hi to Don in Vegas in October.

  • Donald

    Donald always gives us positive vibes. Friendly, organized, helping out whenever he can. The only thing that bothers him a bit is that someone dropped a surprise at his doorstep. He likes presents a lot but this one is alive! What was that person thinking? It's all fine to take care of something but this is another level.

  • Donovan

    Donovan is an expert in dark magic. It all started when his parents bought him a little magic kit for his 10th birthday. His skills increased fast, and he was soon turning birds into lizards and such. All we’ll say now is, stay on this Dude’s good side.

  • Dorian

    Dorian just managed to be on time. He was sweating like crazy, but it had to be done. His wife was almost nine months pregnant and was about to deliver their first child. He got a call at work, so he raced downstairs because the elevator was out of order. Next, the car didn't start, of course. So he ran the whole distance on foot! He almost forgot the stuffed Unicorn, what a day! Two minutes after he arrived, his perfect boy was born.

  • Dustin

    Dustin is a Ph.D. student at a prominent university in the US. His area of study focuses on the psychological effects of regular marijuana use. As you can tell by the amount of green in this Dude’s life, he is an enthusiast, but he maintains that his research is legit.

  • Dylan

    Although Dylan doesn’t remember going to the circus, there’s a photo that he would often look at, posing happy and excited with an auguste, a tramp, and a whiteface. So Dylan dreamed of being a clown, but whenever he shared his dream, he met condescension or even derision. Dylan’s dream made him sad, or rather, the non-acceptance. So Dylan decided to go with a blueface clown, both happy and sad.

  • Eddie

    Eddie “Get Ready” Rodriguez is a local boxing champ. His unorthodox style always leaves competitors guessing, and usually leaves them on the mat. He also has an unusual training style. You see, he doesn’t have a trainer. Rather, he takes all tips and advice from his best friend, Clay-pillar.

  • Edgar

    Edgar is a mysterious person with a special gift. His grandmother had rheumatism, and especially when it was cold, she had a lot of discomfort. Edgar would go sit on her lap, take her hands and just look at her, all quiet. After a few minutes the pain would be much less. First they thought it was a coincidence, only it happened every time. It was an amazing sight! Now he is all grown up and made a profession of it.

  • Edison

    Young and innocent, that is what they see in Edison. He has the look that has been popular over the last year. Mostly he travels to distant spots where the sun is shining and sandy beaches are as bright as the sky. His modeling has become a day job and it's paying off well! He knows that this will not last forever so why not take that opportunity? Today it will be Greece and tomorrow somewhere else. What a life!

  • Eduardo

    Eduardo decided to take a spiritual approach to find meaning in life. A guru said to him, "I can see what is troubling you. I am just here to guide you on the path towards your goal." Eduardo feels serenity after years of harshness. The time has come to truly think about and accept the things he does well so he can slowly start feeling content with his life and achievements. He made a good choice by coming here.

  • Edward

    Edward is a hairstylist for the stars. He’s worked with such top names as Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, and Carrot Top before their major events. He prides himself on making people look fabulous. He’s planning to open a new studio in London this year.

  • Edwin

    Edwin is a bad boy. You don't want to get in his way! It all started all "innocent", making a few bucks stealing wallets. The next step was breaking into homes, but for the last few years he’s been running a casino. Wouldn’t be bad… if it were legal. Wash trading, loans with outrageous interest. It's a place on the dark side and once you're in, it's almost impossible to get out. When you see this face, better cross the street.

  • Eli

    Eli is a graffiti artist who works all over the world. He recently started expanding his craft to bodies. In fact, his work is so impeccable, he is in talks now with the US military about painting soldiers in a way that they’d be invisible to the naked eye, even if they’re standing right in front of you.

  • Elias

    Elias is an amateur boxer. He trains in his hometown of Milan. When he’s not training, he likes to entertain guests at his humble home and drink wine from local vineyards. He says that when he retires, he might open his one vineyard.

  • Elijah

    Elijah was raised on a beautiful, bucolic farm about a day’s ride from any other Lip folks. Being isolated seemed pretty normal when he was a child, but as Elijah grew into his teenage years he longed for friends and the understanding of a peer or two. So one day he ran off to the big city and almost immediately he fell in with the skateboarding crew. Every night he dreams of the farm.

  • Ellerbe

    Ellerbe woke up one day recently, and to his astonishment, he had X-Ray vision! It’s not the first superpower he would have wished for, but he’s not complaining! He’s wondering what the best way might be to utilize and capitalize on his new skill.

  • Elliot

    Elliot grew up in New England. His favorite thing to do pretty much all year round was playing street hockey with his brothers and friends. He loves street hockey so much that he is the commissioner of a local street hockey league. The league is still small but growing steadily.

  • Ellis

    Ellis is a guy who enjoys life at the fullest. He takes very good care of himself — hairdresser twice a month, manicures on a regular basis, and I can go on. He even has a stylist who decides the right outfit for every occasion. Sometimes it looks a bit like his life is orchestrated, but who cares, Ellis loves it like this. Perhaps it has a tiny bit to do with uncertainty? This way he is sure that everything is just perfect.

  • Emmanuel

    After four and a half years of study Emmanuel is not happy. His university education cost way too much and now he is saddled with unbearable debt, with very few job prospects for a recent graduate and no hope of paying off his student loans. Emmanuel didn’t even want to go to university, but he felt like he had to or he would be branded a loser and underachiever. What he really wanted to do is open a hair salon, but now he is bound to be a corporate slave.

  • Emelio

    Emelio is having a great day. In fact, Emelio is always having a great day. He’s just an ultra-positive Dude who always looks on the bright side. His main pleasures are clay, herbal supplements of ALL kinds, and good food with friends. The simple things in life!

  • Emerson

    Emerson is well over 100 years old, but he won’t tell us exactly how old he is. He says that he has two secrets to longevity. First, he swims daily in the Dead Sea. Second, he does breath work similar to that of the famous Wim Hof. He’s always trying to get us to do it with him.

  • Emery

    Emery hasn’t caught a break in a while. Life has ups and downs, but lately it has been mostly downs for this young man. University was a bust, his girlfriend broke up with him, and he hates his dead-end job. The real issue is that Emery doesn’t have a passion, something that makes him leap out of bed in the morning and tackle the day. Little does he know that is all about to change.

  • Emmett

    Emmett has always been self-conscious about his extreme body hair. He shaves his entire body daily, which leads to cuts here and there. He is scheduled to visit us here in Korea soon to get consulting on laser treatment options.

  • Emory

    Emory has a rare condition which causes him to grow extreme plumage like a bird. The plumage has no real utility, and he was shy about it as a kid, especially during puberty. But now he embraces his condition and is venturing into the modeling industry with pride!

  • Endo

    Endo caught a case for holding marijuana in the 90s. Circumstances put him in prison. During his time in prison, his state legalized marijuana for recreational use. He is out now, and he is prospering. And he is happy that the world is making progress in some areas.

  • Enzo

    Twelve-year-old Enzo sits behind the screen totally excited. He’s just solved an advanced math equation. His mom is a math teacher. She takes her time to study the assignment she gave him and shakes her head. Well son, I didn't think you could solve it in such a short time, congratulations! Enzo smiles, thanks mom. The two have a special bond, to be sure, and Enzo wants to grow up to be just like her.

  • Eric

    Since he was a kid, Eric has been an early adopter when it comes to games. Right now, he is really into VR technology. He says it’s perfect timing because he is about to go to grad school, and he knows exactly what he wants to accomplish. For him, it’s a great time to be alive!

  • Ernesto

    Ernesto considers himself a revolutionary in the making. He has no plans to marry or raise a family. Instead, he plans to attempt to overthrow the entire corrupt socioeconomic system as we know it. “All laws that govern our society are arbitrary,” he exclaims. “And I’ve had enough!”

  • Ervin

    Ervin had a strange childhood due to the fact that his parents didn’t believe in cameras or photographs. As a result, there is no photographic evidence of Ervin’s childhood. But nowadays, Ervin is making up for it by taking lots of different types of pics.

  • Esteban

    In a secret meeting about 20 years ago, Esteban introduced the concept of autotune to a small group of influential music producers. Needless to say, autotune took off, but Esteban never took credit nor did he make a single royalty for the idea.

  • Ethan

    After teaching in South Korea during his early 20s, Ethan realized that he didn’t want to work with large groups of people. He returned to his hometown of Perth, Australia and became a long-distance truck driver. Every day, he praises himself for making the right career choice.

  • Eugene

    Eugene is a guidance counselor. He started his career working with high school students, but he moved to an elementary school a few years ago. He strongly believes in instilling confidence and self-esteem in children at a young age.

  • Evan

    Evan burnt his nipples standing too close to a fire after he got put into a trance looking into the eyes of the most beautiful clay princess he had ever seen, but didn’t know she was actually an ancient warlock. Storyline to be continued…

  • Evander

    Evander was born with an abnormality — vampire syndrome. Only 1 in 100-million people have the same condition, and back then no one knew what was "wrong" with this little boy. The beautiful part of it all is that his personality was so lovely and sweet that after a while no one cared or even noticed. He had to undergo surgery, not a thing that could be avoided, but the fact is he can live a normal fulfilling life.

  • Everett

    Everett is an up-and-coming fashion designer. Most of his pieces have ADA imagery incorporated. He believes in the future of Cardano, and he wants to create eco-friendly clothing that pops all around the world.

  • Ezra

    Everyone wants to be loved for who they are: Nevertheless, most people shy away from being authentic - they prefer to hide their true selves behind a mask. But no man can live without appearances. Masks can help to endure the everyday life of a love relationship. - @AnsPetra

  • Ezekiel

    Ezekiel is a kind and gentle man, despite the constant mean expression on his face. He has a condition known as "perma-meanmug," which has caused him to have a naturally angry appearance since birth. Despite this, Ezekiel is a friendly and compassionate person, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He is currently considering getting corrective surgery to help improve his appearance, but he’s still undecided.

  • Farland

    Farland is an aspiring movie writer. He has ideas that he believes have never been touched. He’s been working on his masterpiece for a couple years now, but it’s almost finished. And when it is, the world is going to be amazed!

  • Felix

    Felix is a professional motocross racer. One thing that sets him apart on the circuit is that he never wears a helmet or goggles. As a result, his eyes are constantly red and watery. It’s uncomfortable, but he believes that it adds to his look.

  • Ferdinand

    Ferdinand has been a tough nut to crack so far. We know he is super intense and active. He loves climbing and other extreme sports. We suspect he might be eating live birds, which gives him some type of oral laser ability. We will keep you posted as we learn more.

  • Finbar

    Finbar is Fletcher's best friend, so Fletcher gave him one of the statues he got from Easter Island. The statue is lonely, so Finbar is planning to go back and find the statue a companion. Raising a statue is difficult work.

    – Cakey 5000

  • Finn

    Finn’s mother and father were both English teachers, so they named him after the notorious literary character, Huck Finn. And he has lived up to his name. Ever since he was a boy, he’s always been the center of mischief. On the other hand, you’ll never find a more honest and loyal Dude.

  • Finnley

    When you see Finnley for the first time you can get a little scared. Don't worry, it's just a part he is practicing. He is an upcoming artist in society and this role could be his big break! Finnley is someone who is totally devoted. He wants to be the character, to feel and to live it. You can imagine that it brings a lot of fun and also discomfort. He is fully aware but it's his choice and belief so obviously you can expect this.

  • Fletcher

    Fletcher had a boring life, so one day, he decided to change it and travel all around the world. He went to Easter Island where he bought some souvenir statues. To his surprise, they started growing, so now he raises them like a family.

    – Cakey 5000

  • Flynn

    Flynn has two passions – 1) Lipland's own steam-powered cigars and 2) surfing the massive waves of Lipland. He can often be found at the beach, waxing his board and preparing for his next ride. Flynn's love for the ocean runs deep, and it is rumored that one of his parents might be part dolphin. Flynn, says that if his surfing career doesn't work out, he might shill his business plan to Jazzy, the local steam shop owner.

  • Ford

    Ford is an ex-convict who has found redemption through his faith in Jesus and his newfound passion for Bitcoin. Upon his release, he made a commitment to turn his life around and use his experiences to help others. He started to volunteer at a local church and started to educate himself on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. He spends several hours a week counseling inmates at the state prison.

  • Francis

    Francis makes the most comfortable pillows in the world. The pillows have feathers, but they are mostly clay-based. In addition, the pillows have a secret, eco-friendly substance that puts an aroma in the user’s nose that reminds them of their sweetest childhood memories. What that smell for you?

  • Francisco

    This is Francisco. As he grew through poverty in the streets of Mexicali, B.C. Mexico; he helped his mother, by earning a few Pesos sweeping the streets before school. Kids would make fun of him for not having shoes. As he swept the streets, outside a boxing gym, he was given the opportunity to train in return for his work. With his willingness to always work hard and his great heart, he became a World Champion. Highly recognized, he was given the opportunity to bring his family to the states and provide them the life they deserved!

    Francisco carries his heart like his belt, but hides a deep sorrow of losing his father at a young age. - @Javazevada

  • Franklin

    Franklin was rather lost as a youth, without a plan for his future or a passion to pursue. Then he went to his first live concert, a week-long event with lots of wild personalities and “recreational activities.” That was where he discovered his love of body art. Since then Franklin has run a small but successful tattoo and body art salon. Not that many Lip Folks are into tattoos, but Franklin does what he loves and that’s the most important thing.

  • Franz

    Franz is an avid skateboarder. He loves it, but he’s definitely had his share of injuries. Most recently he fell down a small flight of stairs and knocked all of his teeth but one. - @AnsPetra

  • Gabriel

    Gabriel was a king, but he was so silly and foolish that he got kicked out of the kingdom. Fortunately, he has a growth mindset, and he was able to change his negative ways. He became a Cardano maxi now stars in a hit TV show in which he plays… a king.

    – Cakey 5000

  • Gage

    It doesn’t matter that no one else in Lippyville believes -- Gage knows that visitors are out there and they are watching. He saw the lights in the sky, he saw the UFO that moved like nothing made on earth, and then one night as he was walking home he was suddenly enveloped in light and began floating…and then he woke up in bed with no memory of how he got there. The truth is out there!

  • Gary

    Gary is a proud member of the Lip Gang Green Crew. When they get together, they discuss all things green. As you can see, there is one green thing in particular of which Gary is especially fond. Much respect, Gary.

  • Gatlin

    Gatlin is an incredible skateboarder, but he is not fulfilled. His real dream is to be a pirate. He couldn't find a real pirate hat, but he thinks the Napoleon hat will do. He wears a fake goatee to improve his credibility, and he plans to use his skateboards as weapons on the ship.

    – Cakey 5000

  • Gavin

    Gavin was an angel who descended from Heaven. He wore a hat to hide his colorful hair. When he arrived on earth, he was extremely sad. At first we thought he was sad because he didn’t like the state of the earth. However, he told us that he was sad because people looked down on him for being different.

    – Cakey 5000

  • George

    George is a volunteer firefighter in Southern California. He is such a nice guy that everyone in his unit considers him their best friend. However, aside from saving lives, George has only one true passion. Basketball. When he’s not at work, you’ll surely find him at the courts down at the park.

  • Geronimo

    Geronimo spent the past 11 years of his life with a partner who treated him like crap. When she dumped him recently, he was so happy to be single, he jumped right out of his skin. If you know a good lady for him, please let us know so we can introduce them!

  • Gideon

    We are pretty sure that Gideon has never spoken a word. However, those around him are able to understand everything that is on his mind. After “listening” to him for a few minutes, one realizes Gideon is a highly intelligent and perceptive individual, with a deep understanding of the world and its people. We see him becoming an ambassador for the Lips someday.

  • Giovanni

    GIovanni recently took up wingsuit jumping. Actually, he just throws on a suit and jumps off a cliff because he already has the wings. It’s not as thrilling as he’d hoped, so he’s already looking for another hobby.

  • Gordon

    Gordon is a chef who recently got an offer to do one of those travelling shows you see on TV. But Gordon hates TV, so he has decided to go the independent route and start his own vlog channel on Youtube. He’s a pretty interesting Dude, so we have confidence that he will succeed.

  • Graham

    Graham is an author and journalist as well as what he calls an alternate historian. He doesn’t believe the official narrative that say human civilization is only 10,000 years old. Rather, he believes we are the latest in a long line of civilizations who has, so far, avoided extinction.

  • Granger

    From short orders to fine cuisine, Granger can prepare it all. He is currently head chef at one of the finest restaurants in Algeria. Never been there? We have, and you can take our word for it. It’s one of the most beautiful places on earth.

  • Grant

    Grant recently relocated from Lipton to Spain to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a bullfighter. So far, he has thrown himself into the bullfighting world with passion and dedication. And he has had the good fortune to train with some of the best toreros in Spain, learning the techniques and strategies of the sport, as well as its history and culture. He couldn’t be happier!

  • Grayson

    Like most of us, Grayson is severely addicted to his phone. When he wakes up, it’s the first thing he reaches for. And he’s on it all day until he falls asleep with it in his hand. We’ve tried interventions, but so far they’ve proved futile.

  • Greg

    We don’t know much about Greg at all. Basically, his lips are sealed. But one thing is clear. He rides for the Clay Lips all day, every day.

  • Gunner

    Gunner is fabulous in every way. He has perfect skin and a perfect body. His clothes are always clean, pressed, and smell great. His gold teeth glimmer, and his hair is never out of place. For some reason, though, he still has a low self-esteem. It just goes to show we should never judge a book by its cover.

  • Gunther

    Gunther plans to make the first solo flight around the world by a clay man with butterfly wings. Yes, it’s a niche group, but you gotta start somewhere. As you can see, he is currently sponsored by ADA, Cookey Clown Noses, and Lippy Swim Caps.

  • Gustavo

    Gustavo is a international spy. That’s all we know. He won’t tell us anything else. If you have anymore info, please let us know.

  • Hakeem

    Hakeem is a professional skateboarder from New York City via Dominican Republic. He's rarely at home, though. He spends most of his time traveling around the country doing competitions and exhibitions. He's happy, but he admits that becoming pro has taken some of the joy out of it.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Hank

    Hank was a college basketball player, but he had to postpone his career to join the military, which is mandatory in his country. He just finished his military duty, and now he aims to become the best player in the world. It will be tough, but he is confident.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Harlan

    Harlan is chef who is world-renowned for his exceptional meat cooking skills. Unfortunately, Harlan has an intense love for animals and feels conflicted about his profession. Basically, he loves what he does, but he doesn’t love what he’s doing. Lately, he’s been experimenting with plant-based recipes and trying to find a balance between his career and his values.

  • Harold

    Harold was introduced to Cardano by hanging out in the Cardano Stonerz Club with people like Big Joe the Don and Mr. Cooper. He is eternally grateful for the welcome he received from them, so he will always cherish his High A.I. NFTs.

  • Harrison

    Harrison likes cosplay, but he doesn't have fashion sense, so he's not very good at it yet. To be honest, he doesn't know he's not fashion savvy, so he went to a job interview dressed as an angel mouse. Luckily, he has a great personality and he's smart, so he got the job! We predict he'll be a superstar in the company sooner than later.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Harvey

    Harvey works in a beautiful aquarium in California. He's kind and friendly, but he doesn't have people skills, so his best "friend" is a fish named Pete. Harvey spends all of his time at work, even when he's not working, and he even asked his manager if he could sleep there.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Hayden

    Hayden is a demon who has decided to change his ways and become an angel. He is currently in the process of seeking redemption for his past actions and working towards becoming a force for good in the world. We haven’t talked to him in depth, but we did notice that his change of heart seemed to coincide with his love for Cardano and its welcoming community.

  • Hayes

    Hayes is an officially licensed fairy. Unfortunately, there has been a shortage of fairy wings this year, so the IFA gave him some butterfly wings instead. To be honest, other fairies have been looking down on him, so he has been drinking lots of light beer. As a result, light comes out of his mouth when he burps.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Heath

    Heath can’t keep a secret, regardless of how insignificant or sensitive the information may be. To combat this, he has taken to taping his mouth shut with electrical tape when he goes out in public. This serves as a reminder for him to keep quiet, and also as a way to signal to others that he won't be sharing anything. Ironically, Heath is the best listener in town, so people often feel the urge to confide in him.

  • Heathcliff

    Heathcliff is without a doubt the most confident Dude we’ve ever met. He’s super smart - a genius, in fact - and he’s also amazing with the ladies. Oh, did we mention he’s a world-class billiards player? If you haven’t talked to this guy, you should.

  • Hector

    Hector likes coffee and blasting people with his laser eye. This laser is not dangerous, necessarily. It blasts people with goodwill and love, so they are able to (at least temporarily) able to forget all the nonsense that’s filling their lives all the time.

  • Hendrix

    This is Hendrix. He just got scary news. Well, it's kind of exciting at the same time. He landed his first gig! For years he's been trying to pursue his dream, to play in a band. His every day has been filled with music! Let's wish Hendrix all the luck in the world!

    - @Toverberg5

  • Hextall

    The best friend Hextall ever had also turned into his worst enemy. It’s a long story, but when they fell out Hextall latched on to the first person that reached out to him -- it turns out that was a real villain. Now Hextall has to live with a horrible secret and the worst part is he thinks there is no redemption, no coming back. But he’s wrong about that.

  • Holden

    Holden is an avid reader. He can be often found sitting in a cozy corner of the library or bookstore, nose buried in a novel. His favorite book is "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. Holden identifies with the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, and identifies with the struggles and emotions that Holden Caulfield experiences. He’s looking for some friends who might want to start a book club.

  • Houston

    Houston has two main interests - drumming and TikTok. He has one of the most successful prank TikTok channels, and he drums in a local hip-hop group called Animal Farm. He just got turned on to Cardano and is considering dropping an EP on the blockchain!

  • Howard

    Howard likes having staring contests with farm animals. He has a passion for it, and spends much of his time visiting local farms to challenge cows, pigs, and other animals to see who can stare the longest without blinking. Unfortunately, Howard has lost his grip on reality, and now believes that he is living in a foggy purgatory filled with flying fish. He wanders around, dazed and confused, always searching for his next staring contest partner.

  • Hugo

    Originally from Peru, Hugo recently moved to central Florida with his partner to open a small ayahuasca center. He and his partner have been holding ceremonies for decades and are now looking to bring the magic to a wider community.

  • Huxley

    Huxley is in love and it feels so good! It's like his brain is one big ball of electricity. He feels like he is floating, flying, even soaring. He has so much energy that he can barely sleep at night. He tries to focus on his studies, but he can’t stop thinking about his love, playing out romantic scenarios, composing poems and love notes, imagining their future together -- someday soon he will tell them how he feels.

  • Ian

    Ian became an environmentalist after he saw some sad, lonely animals in a zoo. He formed a special bond with the captive gorillas, and has since started a band to raise awareness (three bands, actually, because they keep breaking up). Ian’s band is getting better every day, but they have not found mainstream success yet. Undaunted, and driven by a deeper purpose, Ian keeps practicing and keeps trying. Did we mention he’s a HUGE fan of @BoredClaudePC

  • Ignatius

    Ignatius is an international billiards trick shot master and hustler. Before he became well known, he made countless millions from some of the tope celebrities in the world including unnamed members of various royal families. He still makes a great living as an instructor and TV personality.

  • Ike

    Ike is one of the best skaters in Lipland. He is known for his passionate and innovative approach to the sport, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible on a skateboard. He has made a name for himself with his invention of the Kick Lip, a revolutionary trick that has taken the skateboarding world by storm. Ike's goal is to bring the sport of Skateboarding to new heights in the 21st century.

  • Ira

    Ira was that kid in middle school who had a mustache. All the girls wanted him, and all the boys wanted to be him. He got a little overconfident and lost his way, failing out of high school. But he got back on track, learning finance, and eventually becoming a whale in several cryptocurrencies.

  • Isaac

    Isaac’s parents were not around when he was a little kid, so he ended up having to basically raise his younger brothers and sisters. He become known around his neighborhood for his amazing grilled sandwiches, and later went on to open a successful chain of sandwich shops. He lives in Bangkok with his pet fish, Larry.

  • Israel

    When Israel was in high school, he was in a relationship with a girl from a different race. The couple was bullied often, and the experience had a profound effect on his psyche. The teens later lost touch, but Israel went on to become an outspoken activist in the race relations movement.

  • Ivan

    Ivan is one of the only green skin Dudes who doesn’t have a green background, and he knows it… and he doesn’t like it. He just wants to be “treated fairly” but we tell him he is unique and should be proud. Then we change the subject to basketball, and his face lights up!

  • Jace

    Jace was told that if he graduated from university then the possibilities would be limitless. Not true! Jace graduated with no marketable skills to enter the workforce. He will never be able to pay back his loans so he feels like he was duped into a system that creates corporate slaves. If he had a time machine he would make a lot of different choices, like going back to the dojo with Master Dario and starting all over!

  • Jack

    Jack lives in Greece with his two younger brothers. They run a modest resort where people can relax and learn about the local culture and history. He is recognized as one of the top chefs on his island, and people come from milese around to taste his culinary delights.

  • Jackson

    Jackson is a man who has been struggling with insomnia for as long as he can remember. No matter how hard he tries, he just can't seem to fall asleep at night. This lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on him, as it is affecting all aspects of his life. He is constantly tired and irritable, and he is having trouble concentrating and staying awake during the day. Jackson is desperate for help, and he is willing to try anything to finally get a good night's rest.

  • Jacoby

    Jacoby is one of the most outgoing and friendly members of the Clay Lips family. As you can see Jacoby likes his smoke and this makes him super happy. He also loves America and wears his tank top everywhere he goes.

    - @stephenking01

  • Jae

    Jae is Korean by blood, but he was adopted by a family from rural Alabama when he was just a baby. Jae grew up farming and listening to country music with his siblings and friends. As an adult, Jae is happy, but he sometimes feels awkward about the way he looks, and he is thinking about digging deeper into his past.

  • Jagger

    Who has sun-bleached locks and a surfer bod? This guy! There is nothing better than the flow state that comes from riding the perfect wave. Jagger fully believes that, “It’s a state of mind. It’s that place where you lose yourself and find yourself.” If he could make money surfing then his life would be complete, but for now he works just enough to pay the rent and buy board wax, and he couldn’t be happier.

  • Jake

    Jake has a big love for the underwater world. It feels like a second skin to him, watching all that beautiful life gives him "wings to fly". He fits more in the deep waters than his daily life on dry ground. The time he spends there keeps him in balance.

    - @Toverberg5

  • James

    As a joke, James stabbed himself in the shoulder. You see, he’s clay. It doesn’t hurt. But it shocked his friends, and they laughed so much that he’s decided to just keep it.

  • Jamir

    Jamir is a hypnotist. One day recently, we was looking in the mirror, shaving, and practicing his upcoming hypnotism session, and he accidentally hypnotized himself. In his current state, he is unable to get himself back to normal, so he might be doomed.

  • Jamison

    Let’s just say Jamison is a whisky enthusiast. From the moment he wakes up till the moment he goes to bed, he has whisky on his mind. He was actually an extra in seasons 1 to 3 of Peaky Blinders. He performed the role for payment in whisky.

  • Jason

    It’s pretty obvious that Gage has always been successful with the ladies. He’s got a great smile, a killer bod, and a style that says, ‘I know I look great, so why even try?’ Oh, and you know what they say about a Dude with big horns. The problem is, Gage is pretty shallow, and as a result, he was recently rejected by the girl who he thinks might be the ONE.

  • Jasper

    Jasper quite enjoys drinking raw blood, but he finds it unethical to drink blood from living organisms. He bought a special set of sponges with which he absorbs donated blood. He is judged by some, but we say.. hey, bro, do your thang.

  • Javier

    Javier is a young man who recently discovered that he has magical powers. It all started when he read a book called "The Girl Who Drank the Moon." After finishing the book, Javier began to notice strange changes happening to his body. He started developing abilities that seemed impossible, such as the ability to control fire and make objects float in midair.

  • Jax

    Jax has an idea. He’s thinking about starting a clay snail farm. Many don’t know that there’s only one clay snail in existence at the moment, and Jax thinks it would be beneficial to the world to have more. What do you think?

  • Jayce

    Despite continuous warnings from adults about the dangers of excessive smartphone use, Jayce has refused to put his device down as a kid, using it for an average of 18 hours a day. To everyone's surprise, Jayce's constant usage of his smartphone has actually made him smarter. It's almost as if his brain is continuously connected to the Internet, allowing him to access information and learn at an unprecedented rate. He is now considered to be a tech prodigy, and is sought after by companies and organizations for his knowledge and here

  • Jayden

    Don’t worry. Jayden isn’t a real vampire, so he’s not gonna try to suck your blood. He’s part of a literary cosplay club in the community. Over the past few months, they’ve read several Victorian era novels, and he’s really loving his new yet old-school attire!

  • Jaylen

    Jaylen is a party and event planner. He is known locally for some of the most memorable days ever. He’s now planning to open a new franchise in another city or perhaps even another country. We wish him and his fish buddies all the best!

  • Jazzy

    Jazzy is the owner of the magical smoke shop in Lipton, a small town known for its rare and nourishing flower that is often mistaken for marijuana. Many people in the surrounding community, including the Cardano Community, come to Jazzy's shop to purchase the herb, which is known as Lip Bomb, and is highly coveted for its nourishing properties.

  • Jensen

    Jensen was allegedly abducted by aliens as a teen. When he came back, his hair was completely white and he had a glowing finger. Lots of people think he looks cool, but he finds it hard to sleep at night because nothing can completely cover the light.

  • Jeremiah

    Jeremiah was born with white hair. In his teens, he discovered a way to make quick money by buying alcohol and selling it to underage people. He used the profits to make a down payment on his first home at the age of 17. He has since grown his wealth and established himself as a legit real estate tycoon in his late 20s. He started off in a shady way, but he is now a respected member of the business community.

  • Jeremy

    It has not been confirmed, but it’s rumored that Jeremy is a guardian angel who has been appointed by Trevor Lawrence to look after the people of his neighborhood in Lipland. The area is known for its high crime rate and poor education. He’s definitely not a typical angel as he will not hesitate to slap sense into people or talk junk. Outside of being helpful, his main hobby is hanging with his Unicorn and smoking healthy steam spliffs.

  • Jericho

    Jericho is older than most people who take up skateboarding, but he recently started playing a skateboarding game on his phone and quickly became addicted. He actually has some real talent. He landed his first kickflip just a few weeks after skating for the first time.

  • Jesse

    Jesse is from Lisbon. He has always been a rabid soccer fan, but about 10 years ago he saw a Green Bay Packers game and became a big NFL fan. In fact, he has decided to go into media and hopes one day to get a job with NFL Europe.

  • Jesus

    Jesus has always had an extreme phobia of all things that crawl. Spiders? Ants? Snails? No way! In an attempt to help him overcome his fear, some of his friends introduced him to Clay-pillar. Jesus was wary at first, but it seems like they are getting along better now.

  • Jethro

    Jethro is one of the best basketball players in the world, but he is also a legit genius, so he is teaching a course at Harvard University about.. basketball. Seriously, he makes serious philosophical arguments about the impact of the sport on society. Even the top students find this course quite challenging.

  • Jett

    Jett has deep obsession with all things related to the United Kingdom. He also has an unhealthy obsession with money. He will do whatever it takes to gain a financial advantage over his competitors, including lying, cheating, or stealing. He is ruthless in his pursuit of wealth, and he is obviously not well-liked by his peers. However, he is widely respected for his business acumen, and the Lip Folks seek his financial advice on a regular basis.

  • Joaquin

    Joaquin is a man in his mid-forties who is deeply aware of the passing of time. Despite his age, he still feels like the clock is ticking on him to create something meaningful in his life. He's always been a dreamer, with big ideas and grand plans, but he's struggled to turn those ideas into reality. Joaquin is tired of feeling like he's running out of time, and he's determined to make something of himself before it's too late. But what?

  • Joe

    This is Joe, but most call him Papa. He’s a pillar of the community in his corner of Philadelphia, especially when it comes to reaching out to youth who are in need of a helping hand. His goal for this year is to start a non-profit recreational center where kids can come hang out but also learn about things like home economics and holistic wellness.

  • Joel

    Recently, at a vampire cosplay event, Joel came across an elixir that promised to give a special ability. Without thinking twice, he drank it, and to his surprise, he gained the power to look into people’s souls and see their true nature. The ability has not been a pleasant one for him, however, as he often doesn't like what he sees. To be honest, his new power has made him more reclusive and isolated. He is also constantly questioning the morality of his new ability, and he struggles with distinguishing between reality and the inner thoughts of people around him.

  • Johan

    Johan is a master of disguise and is able to seamlessly blend into any environment or situation. He is also a genius trickster, always coming up with creative and cunning plans to outwit his enemies and accomplish his goals. Whether he is infiltrating a guarded compound or pulling off a elaborate heist, Johan is always one step ahead and full of surprises.

  • John

    John has hated cheese for his entire life. In fact, he has recently created the International Cheese Haters Society in an attempt to find more likeminded folks. So far, he’s not had much luck. Turns out most people are fans of cheese.

  • Jonah

    Jonah is a Dude who is both physically and mystically unique. Despite his extremely thin build, Jonah is full of energy and always on the go. He is constantly seeking new experiences and adventures, and his curiosity often leads him into unexpected situations. But it's not just Jonah's appearance that sets him apart - he also has electrical nodes in his head that seem to serve no discernible purpose.

  • Jones

    Jones is a Dude on a mission. As a member of the TV Lips activist group, he is constantly seeking to open his mind and uncover universal truths. It wasn't always this way for Jones. As a younger Dude, he was often lost in his own thoughts, his head in the clouds and his eyes glued to the TV. But as he's gotten older, Jones has come to realize that there is so much more to the world than what he sees on the screen. Now, he is dedicated to his cause and to helping others see the world in a new light.

  • Jorge

    Jorge likes Jorge-ing. What is Jorge-ing, you ask? It’s extreme and excessive congratulation of people. At first, it’s endearing, but it can be kind of annoying. But we can’t hate. Jorge has a great heart, and he is genuinely impressed by you!

  • José

    José works for one week per year, and he makes enough money to take the rest of the year off. He is an incredible chocolatier, and one small box of his chocolate costs over $100K. We can’t afford it, but kings and queens say it’s worth every bite!

  • Joshua

    Joshua is very shy, so we have never seen him without his mask. We think that he may have had some sort of accident that caused harm to his face and neck. But we totally don’t care about that. Joshua’s warm personality makes him beautiful.

  • Josiah

    Gifted and highly sensitive people feel like a zebra in a herd of horses.

    Josiah feels extremely good today. “Just be a zebra,” he says! - @AnsPetra

  • Josue

    Josue is an assistant to a prominent scientist in somewhere in Africa. Their team studies rare flowers that may allow humans to live forever. However, these endangered flowers are the main food source for the African bluebird, so harvesting them could cause the bird to go extinct.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Juan

    Growing up, Juan was bullied because of his curly hair and freckles. Now, his unique features have become his trademark, and he's become a successful model known for his distinct look. Despite all his current success, the past haunts him, and he still seeks revenge on his childhood bullies. He is still determined to make them pay for all the crap they put him through, but he still hasn’t decided how he will accomplish this goal.

  • Judah

    Judah has mixed feelings. He is proud of being a Lip Dude, but he also dreams of being human. He spends his days shaping and reshaping himself, trying to get as close as possible to his idea, which in his mind is a being that embraces all races and cultures. We hope that Judah can learn to be comfortable with who he is because we think he’s pretty awesome already.

  • Jude

    Jude just finished a degree in architecture. It’s always been his dream to design neighborhoods where nature and society meet to form a symbiotic relationship. Don’t be mistaken, though. Jude wants to get paid for his work. He feels like he is unique and talented, so he has his eyes on that chedda, for sure.

  • Judson

    Judson suffers from pretty severe anxiety. He doesn’t like to talk about it much, though, because people usually brush it off as something “everybody goes through.” Instead, he spends lots of time skateboarding. He feels that being in that zone forces him to stay in the moment, so all else disappears.

  • Julius

    Julius is a very unique Dude. Every day when he wakes up, he has no memory of what happened the day before. This is not bad because he’s always in a great mood. If you see Julius, feel free to tell him all your secrets!

  • Kairo

    Kairo is a businessman who values the finer things in life. He is often seen taking clients out to high-class restaurants and men's clubs, where he can be found sipping on expensive cocktails and wine. His love for alcohol is evident from the fact that he is almost always drinking, and when he does, his skin turns red and starts to glow. In his defense, he is a jolly drinker, and most people love to be around him when he’s had a few.

  • Kaleb

    Kaleb recently underwent a surgical procedure to have implants placed in his fingertips that allow him to produce light and heat whenever he needs it. Kaleb is still getting used to his new abilities, but he's finding them to be incredibly useful. He's able to light up a dark room or warm up his hands on a cold day. In his opinion, the most useful thing about his new implants is that he can light up one of his cigars whenever, wherever. He’s considering applying for a job at his friend Jazzy’s smokeshop. He thinks he could attract new customers.

  • Karter

    Karter’s parents always told him that 40 hours a week for 40 years is a prison sentence. As a result, Karter has always been determined to make his own work hours and to live life on his own terms. In 2017, he discovered the blockchain, and he believes that this technology will allow him to achieve all his dreams and more.

  • Kash

    Kash claims to have proof of having been a great admiral in a former life. He is incredibly self-assured and smug, constantly speaking of his supposed military prowess, and believes it gives him superiority over others. As a result, he has very few real friends, as he finds most people beneath him. He plans to buy a vessel of some sort and seeks to regain his former glory… once he saves enough money.

  • Kayden

    Kayden is convinced that his male pattern baldness is a sign of his destiny to become a world-class basketball player. He believes that the condition is a symbol of his strength and determination, and that it is what sets him apart from other players. Kayden's unique perspective on his male pattern baldness, though not supported by empirical evidence, inspires the entire Lip community to reach for their dreams no matter how unlikely. 

  • Keith

    Keith is a military veteran and now dedicates himself to the mental health of other veterans returning from overseas. He has always been an early adopter, and he is a firm believer in the power of technology and has recently become interested in the potential of Cardano to promote mental health awareness. He is a member of several groups with similar interests, and he hopes to launch a charitable project in the coming year.

  • Kelvin

    Kelvin likes watching basketball. He usually watches on TV, but he went out the other day and actually played with some Lips buddies. He found out he’s a pretty good player, so he’s planning to become a more active person this year.

  • Kenji

    Kenji is the very best and worst student that Shifu Dario has ever taught. He showed so much promise and potential in the beginning, that he very quickly became a leader in the dojo. Kenji’s massive talent was undeniable, and he received so much attention that Kenji eventually became arrogant. That arrogance led him to criticize others, insulting them for their shortcomings. Pride comes before the fall.

  • Kenneth

    Kenneth works outside of Clay Lips Headquarters in Seoul, Korea. His main duty is to tell passersby about the project and the Cardano blockchain. He’s had mixed reception, but he believes in what he’s doing, so he remains optimistic.

  • Kenzo

    Meet Kenzo, his life is an everyday struggle with anxiety. The feeling of being different is holding him back to do the things he secretly enjoys. Animals are more his "cup-of-tea" as they never ask anything in return except for lifelong companionship! - @Toverberg5

  • Khalil

    Khalil is the most fabulous hairdresser in Lippyville. He has a keen eye for detail and an innate sense of style, and his clients are always satisfied with the results. One thing you should know, Khalil has considerable social anxiety. He is content with working in Lippyville and doesn't want to leave his comfort zone, even though his friends and colleagues often urge him to take his talents to a bigger city where he could reach more people and have even more success.

  • Khari

    Khari always loved playing Laser Tag and paintball wars as a kid. As an adult, he has turned his passion into a successful business venture. As a matter of fact, we went to his arena the other day and had a blast in the neon night battle section!

  • King

    King is known among his friends and family for his love of music and his encyclopedic knowledge of all things Justin Timberlake. His love for J.T. started when he went to a concert in the mid 2000s. Since then, he’s dreamed of becoming a famous musician and actor. By the way, can you guess what’s in the box?

  • Kingston

    Kingston is an early adopter, to say the least. He’s the kind of guy who, when you visit his home, always wants to show you that new gadget he bought. He has recently invested his life savings in a Web3 startup that his is certain will be the future of industry. And we believe him.

  • Knox

    For his entire life, Knox has idolized his older brother, Kingston. Recently, the two of them have been talking about going on a nationwide tour to talk about their ideas about the future of tech in society. And with good reason. You’ll never meet a more intelligent and articulate set of siblings.

  • Kurt

    Kurt has been a single father since he was 17 years old and the mother of his child died during childbirth. He has never made any excuses, though, and he managed to raise both of his kids as well as he could. It wasn’t always perfect, but they love and respect him, and in his eyes, that’s all that matters.

  • Kyle

    Kyle has a split personality. But it’s not a normal split personality. He actually becomes his other character, which happens to be a Unicorn. They couldn’t be more opposite. Kyle is absent minded and kind, but Unicorn is a genius but kind of greedy.

  • Kyler

    Kyler is our "inventor". Every time he thinks he found something new, he likes to spice up things first! We’re all doing this game, we ask questions, and he provides answers. This goes on for weeks until the final reveal. It makes him happy so the outcome isn't that important.

    - @Toverberg5

  • Kyrie

    Kyrie is a meditation guru who gained wealth and fame after releasing a popular app a few years ago. The app, which is designed to help people learn and practice meditation, quickly became a sensation and made Kyrie a household name. Despite his newfound wealth, Kyrie is a humble person and doesn't spend much money on material possessions. However, he did use some of his wealth to fix his teeth, which he was bullied about as a child.

  • Lance

    Lance is everyone’s big brother. He helps all the Lips with their taxes. He gives them health and relationship advice. And he’s just generally a good guy. We are so fortunate to have his benevolent wisdom in our lives.

  • Landry

    Landry is the leader of a unique gang of clay skeletons that inhabit Lipland. The gang, which is made up of individuals who have chosen to sculpt their own skeletal bodies out of clay, is known for its intimidating appearance. However, despite their fearsome appearance, Landry and his gang's intentions are benevolent. They are huge advocates of steam spliffs, the use of which they believe can bring peace, unity and love to the people of Lipland.

  • Lane

    Lane had been dead for thousands of years, but he suddenly woke up about a year ago. Believe it or not, he wasn’t shocked when he woke up. Rather, he quickly became addicted to his phone. He also became an expert stock trader and bought a Tesla. Unfortunately, his face is kind of disgusting, so he always wears a mask.

  • Larry

    Larry’s eyes have never been seen by anyone. From birth, he has always covered them with some sort of object, whether it be sunglasses, goggles or even a bandana. His reason for doing so is unknown, and he has never commented on it publicly. This odd quirk has not held Larry back from becoming a well-adjusted individual. He leads a normal life. He has a great girlfriend, had he’s been working as a clerk at Lippy Mart for over three years now.

  • Laurence

    Laurence is a pajama party coordinator. Basically, he goes door-to-door in affluent neighborhoods and talks to parents about everything they need to make their kids’ sleepover dreams come true! It might seem strange, but parents dig it, and Laurance is rolling in the dough.

  • Lawson

    Oh, no. Do we have another bird eater?!? We’ll have to ask. But what we do know is that Lawson was a fantastic high school football player. He never left his hometown, but he is happy in his simple life as a small hardware store operator.

  • Layton

    Layton is the ultimate wingman. He’s fun and witty, and he always has his friends’ interests at heart. The problem is that he hasn’t been able to get out of the friend zone with every girl he’s ever met. He’s not ready to settle down yet, but he does want to have a real relationship.

  • Legend

    Legend has always had the ability to break down complex concepts and make them understandable for people of all ages and backgrounds. He uses his skills as he travels around Lipland sharing the teachings of Marcus Aurelius with groups and individuals. When he’s not on the road, he writes a blog with which he has built a sizable following of people who are interested in the Stoic philosophy and seek to live a more virtuous life.

  • Legit

    A few years ago, Legit purchased hypnotic glasses with the intent of playing tricks on his friends. One day before he went out to meet some other Dudes, though, he accidentally looked in the mirror while wearing the glasses and hypnotized himself. To this day, he remains in this hypnotic state, convinced that he is Batman. He can often be found walking around town wearing a pair of fake wings, believing that he is on a mission to protect the city from criminals.

  • Leland

    Leland has a horseshoe up his butt. Or at least that’s what a lot of people think. Everything he touches turns to gold. He has become a real estate tycoon and a whale on multiple blockchains all in the past three years.

  • Lennox

    Lennox recently underwent a revolutionary procedure to implant a superbrain chip into his skull. This chip gives him extraordinary cognitive abilities, such as enhanced memory, faster processing power, and the ability to learn new skills quickly. He has the ability to charge this chip using special nodes implanted on his temples or via a solar panel necklace he designed himself. With his newfound intelligence, Lennox has become a sought-after asset in various fields such as finance, technology and business.

  • Leo

    Leo loves Cardano. To be honest, he doesn’t really think about much else. In the morning, he flips NFTs. In the afternoon, he works on de-fi. In the evenings, he frequents Spaces and works on Catalyst Proposals. In between, he advises projects. He is busy but happy.

  • Leon

    We don’t know exactly what Leon does for a living. We’ve asked, but he’s not forthcoming. It seems like it could be top secret. We did see him out by the docks one night. He was half naked and wet, and he was holding some sort of other-worldly electronic device.

  • Leonardo

    Leonardo is a degen. He buys NFTs from the bottom of the sea, and then he sells them when they moon. At least that’s what he tries to do. Good luck, Leonardo!

  • Leroy

    Leroy has been a full-time activist since the mid 90s. He believes that the media we consume on the radio and television is brainwashing society and making us all stupid. He urges you to DYOR and think for yourself. Don’t blindly follow the man.

  • Lester

    Lester was a member of one of the biggest boy bands in the world before they blew up. He got kicked out of the band because of his worldview (we’ll just leave it at that). And now he’s bitter. He sees his former friends on the TV being as fake as can be, and he’s sick of it.

  • Levi

    Levi is an undercover cop. He gets a bad rap from lots of folks, but after talking to him, we can see that he is a genuinely good dude. He wants the best for the world and all the people living here.

  • Liam

    Liam is currently writing a comedic book entitled Pet Peeves of a Delphian. Liam is a former taxi driver turned Uber extraordinaire. He talks to everyone, and he enjoys the conversation, but everyone also gets on his nerves. Does this make sense? It does to us!

  • Lionel

    Lionel used to think money was all one needed to be happy. Then he got rich, and his opinion changed. He realized that only one thing can bring true happiness. And that thing is... fish. Tropical fish.

  • Lloyd

    Lloyd was cooking some fried chicken in the deep fryer at work. He tripped and fell, and both of his arms went into the grease. His clay flesh melted off all the way to his clay bones. It didn’t hurt, but he had to act like it did so his coworkers wouldn’t freak out. He was surprised at first, but now he likes his new look. He thinks it could attract the ladies. Do you agree?

  • Louis

    Louis's dream is to become a vampire. He has practiced all the things he needs to do, and he also got some scary wings and sharp teeth. All he needs now is to get bitten, so he called Jayden (a real vampire). They have plans to meet soon to discuss the details.

  • Luca

    Luca is a mysterious sculptor known for his incredible talent and his penchant for secrecy. He always wears a mask to conceal his identity and refers to himself in the third person, adding to his enigmatic persona. He is a solitary figure, rarely seen in public and even more rarely seen without his mask. Despite this, his sculptures are highly sought after and can be found in galleries and museums all over the world.

  • Lucas

    Lucas runs a small shop-slash-studio in the town of Lipton where he sells his art and music. Aside from working on his art, he is a certified life coach, and his advice always has a profound effect on people's lives. His work is unique, as it has a special power to give subliminal life advice to its owners. Many people believe that buying a piece of Lucas's art nearly guarantees success, both large and small.

  • Lucian

    Lucian is deeply passionate about clay art. He runs a small community center in Lipton where Lip kids who are interested in clay art can come to create and build friendships with one another. He is proud to be a mentor to the young artists, sharing his knowledge and experience with them and encouraging them to explore their creativity. Some of the best sculptors in Lipland started learning art in Lucian’s classroom.

  • Luciano

    You wouldn’t know it by his lungs (or lack thereof), but Luciano is an eight-octave opera singer. His is fluent in six languages and loves to sing in all of them. Sitting in a music hall with Luciano on stage is on the bucket list of many fine arts connoisseurs around the world.

  • Lucky

    Larry “Lucky” Jones is a smooth talking con-man. But wait, don’t judge. He’s like the Robin Hood of con-men. He cons the rich to feed the poor, so to speak. Don’t let the disguise fool you, either. The next time you see him, he might be have green skin, blonde hair, and a huge smile of pearly whites!

  • Luis

    Luis is a body contortionist that his friends call the "Greek Freak". He is known for his ability to bend in ways that many people would consider impossible. His most recent poses include the Serpent’s Bend and the Twisty Grip. Some people believe that he has an unfair advantage because he is made out of clay, but those who have seen him work know that he is legit. He wants everyone to know that he does accept ADA at all of his live performances.

  • Luke

    There are two rabid Coventry City fans among the Lip Dudes. Luke is one of them. He rents a small flat near the stadium, so he skates there for every home game. They’ve even put up a little locker at the entrance for him to store his board. Good luck this year, Blue!

  • Madden

    You’ll never guess what Madden’s parents used to do in college. Okay, you probably will. That’s right. They were rabid Play Station users, sometimes foregoing meals in order to play one more round. For the record, Madden has never been a gamer. He loves cooking fresh meals made with veggies from his garden.

  • Maddox

    Maddox is a detective, currently living and practicing in the UK. He never went to school to be a detective, but he read all the Sherlock Holmes books and watched all the episodes of the TV series as well. He has already used his skills to catch several low-level criminals. Now he wants to catch higher-level bad guys!

  • Malachi

    Malachi has a very interesting existence. He was traveling in Japan in his early 20s when a middle aged woman took interest in him. He soon realized that there’s a whole industry based on this phenomenon, and Malachi has made quite a decent living going on dates with high-society ladies.

  • Malcolm

    Malcolm went to a memory erasing facility, sort of like the one from that movie. Well, let’s just say that the tech isn’t ready for mass adoption yet. Rather than erasing his memory, the machine made him remember everything! Of course this new ability has its benefits, but it’s also driving him nuts!

  • Manuel

    Manuel never really cared about money. He just enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. Good food, good weather, good people. But then he met a girl and fell head over heels in love with her. The problem is, she’s a gold digger, and now he is consumed with making money to please her. What should he do?

  • Marcel

    We’re not supposed to talk about it, but we will. Marcel recently started a wings-only fight club. All fighting takes place in the air. The first one to touch the ground or use any other support, such as a ladder or a tree, is the loser. So far, Marcel has a pretty good record, but to him, that’s not the point.

  • Marcus

    Marcus’s idol is the legendary Kimbo Slice. To be honest, Marcus isn’t a very good fighter, but he still sports the look. He does have talent for negotiating, and he is thinking about becoming a fight promoter. He’ll start locally and try to work his way up.

  • Mark

    Mark has no idea how to dive or even swim. However, he thinks scuba masks are incredibly cool, so he bought one at a second-hand store and rocks it just about every day. You might think folks in the community would think he’s a weirdo, but that’s not the case. On the contrary, the scuba mask is starting to become a fad. Look around. You’ll see.

  • Martin

    Martin is something of a mendicant, wandering the Lippy lands and communing with nature. He has almost no possessions and he is one of the happiest Lippy folk around. He hardly pays attention to his appearance, he loathes materialism, and Martin believes that the key to happiness is a song in your heart and a story to share with friends. Recently in his wanderings, he discovered something truly astounding!

  • Marvin

    Marvin doesn’t have it all figured out yet, but he does know that he likes to be around positive, empathetic people. Marvin knows that the high points in life are better when they can be shared and that the low points are shorter when people are willing to help you. Likewise, Marvin tries to always be sensitive to what the people around him are going through, even if they don’t want to talk about it.

  • Matias

    Matias was a troubled child until one day he saw a street skateboarding competition. At that moment, he became obsessed with skateboarding, which gave him a real focus and changed his life. He got away from the drugs and bad influences and spent all of his free time practicing and perfecting his skills on his board, and eventually became known as one of the best skateboarders in Lippyville.

  • Matteo

    Matteo knows that something is always afoot. He grew up reading Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories, and he really believes in “See something, Say something”. Matteo is always on the lookout for dastardly dudes (which is funny because everybody in Lippyville is so friendly and generous). Someday he is going to figure out who keeps replacing his pancakes with waffles.

  • Matthew

    This is Matthew! He is known as the safekeeper of the family as (in his own words) "my lips are sealed" and also “I turn a blind eye" but only if it's something that can be mended. It's quite a responsibility you can imagine, but now you know where to turn to!

    - @Toverberg5

  • Maurice

    Maurice may look like a bad boy but actually he is empathetic and vulnerable. He is a bonafide thespian with a real talent for writing, so he started a theater troupe in Lipton and each summer everyone looks forward to theater in the park. His dream is to create a piece so moving and poignant that it will bridge the divide between Lipton and Lippyville forever.

  • Maxwell

    Maxwell is a classical musician. He can play all the stringed instruments, but he is a virtuoso on the piano. Maxwell spent countless hours practicing by himself with the dream of making it big. Unfortunately, Maxwell hasn’t broken through yet, so he spends his days teaching middle school music and directing the orchestra. Maxwell is never going to give up on his dreams, but reality is starting to loom larger.

  • McGill

    McGill may have a tough skateboarder persona with his hoodie and facial hair, but this wood pusher is a big teddy bear of a man. In the 80s he built the first (and only) skate part in Lippyland. He loves playing the cool uncle, teaching skateboard tricks to the kids and treating them to ice cream. Most of all, McGill is a defender -- he always sticks up for the little guy.

  • Micah

    Micah is a tennis pro who teaches lessons at the Lippy Country Club. He has gone through some ups and downs in his young life -- Micah had dreams of being a tennis champion but then his wife got pregnant and his dad got sick. They really needed money and the sponsorships weren’t coming in, so he started teaching tennis. What Micah didn’t expect was that he would fall in love with teaching, especially kids, and he has never looked back.

  • Miguel

    Miguel is a tortured artist. All night long he frenetically paints and creates cubism, futurism, and suprematism. He sleeps all day and then does it all again. Miguel always feels tired and mildly depressed because his sleep is so erratic and he has poor eating habits, but he just knows in his heart that good art comes from a place of pain and that in the end, it will all pay off!

  • Miles

    Miles loves nothing more than playing with his club on the weekends. As a matter of fact, his teammates have given him the nickname "The Chef" because of his ability to create and execute great plays on the pitch. Miles takes great pride in his nickname, and the attention he has received locally has brought the attention of national scouts. He is currently being considered for a spot on the roster of the Clay Lips national team.

  • Miller

    Miller was a regular Lip Dude living a normal life until he discovered a strange pig-like growth on his right shoulder. At first, he was worried that it might be some sort of tumor, but as it grew and started to resemble an actual pig, he began to suspect that something more bizarre was going on. As it turns out, the pig growth was an actual pig! It was a strange and unprecedented occurrence, but Miller and the pig quickly realized that they shared a soul and could even read each other's thoughts.

  • Mordechai

    Ever since he had a near-death experience, Mordechai has been obsessed with everything supernatural and paranormal. Though the Lip folks think he’s wacky, he sure seems to be clairvoyant. Mordechai maintains that occult sciences are real and parapsychology can be taught. He dabbles in telepathy, extrasensory perception and precognition, but he despises simple superstition.

  • Moses

    Moses is the biggest fan of all the Lippys. He simply loves seeing others succeed. He’s always shouting encouragement to others, no matter it’s a big or small feat, Moses is going to be encouraging and supportive. From Friday night sports to the kids he helps at the tutoring center, Moses knows that optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.

  • Moshe

    The sneakiest person in Lippyville is Moshe, for sure. Ever since he was little he had a special knack for eavesdropping and subterfuge. He’s very good a keeping secrets, but Moshe’s special skill is being able to pore over vast amounts of data whilst paying attention to detail and ignoring extraneous information. Moshe is now convinced that there is a conspiracy afoot which will lead to the the Clay Lips’ undoing.

  • Nas

    Nas has black belts in Kenpo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and long ago he had championship dreams, but those dreams were crushed by greedy promoters, PEDs, and fixed fights. Now Nas has a chip on his shoulder, so he opened a martial arts studio where he teaches his students to strike first, strike hard, and show no mercy. He is still a contender in our eyes!

  • Nash

    Nash has been working on his novel for the past 15 years. Yes, he struggles with writer's block, but his main obstacle is his intense paranoia about people stealing his work. He is constantly looking over his shoulder, worried that someone might take his ideas and pass them off as their own. Recently, his friends brought him in for an intervention. At first, he was angry, but he eventually realized that they have his best interests at heart, and he is now seeing a therapist.

  • Nate

    Nate loves basketball! He has very fond childhood memories of watching the Bulls in the 90s with his dad, and even though everyone loved MJ, Nate’s favorite player was The Worm, which is why he likes to dye his hair and wear cool sunglasses. Nate used to dream of playing in the NBA, but now his dream is to pass on his love of B-Ball to his own children.

  • Nathaniel

    Nathaniel idolizes his big brother, Paxton. He loves Paxton’s games so much that he spends as much time as possible in the VR world. Fortunately, Nathaniel’s mother does a good job of prioritizing his school work without being heavy handed, and she limits his gaming so that he can have real-world relationships, too. Nathaniel wants to be just like Paxton when he grows up. He loves him so much!

  • Neely

    Unfortunately, prolonged usage has led Neely to develop eye problems. To combat this, he bought an Egyptian mask that serves as a blue light filter. The mask has become such a crucial part of his identity that he rarely takes it off, even when he sleeps. His friends like his new look, but they do complain about the smell from time to time. Neely doesn’t mind, though. For him, the style and his healthy eyes outweigh all else.

  • Nerlin

    Nerlin is a real innovator. He is studying food science at Lippy U and his real passion is breakfast. When he isn’t in lectures or cramming for exams, he experiments in his home laboratory like a mad scientist to develop flavors, toppings, and cooking methods. Nerlin knows that all good foods have their merit, but in his heart nothing beats classic pancakes with syrup.

  • Nicholas

    Nicholas is totally zen. In his youth, he was wild and crazy and he loved clubbing and going to raves, dancing until either the sun came up or the cops crashed down. All that changed when his son was born. Now Nicholas lives a tranquil, arcadian life with his family in harmonious existence with nature. He works his rice fields, rain or shine, and spends all his time with his family.

  • Nico

    Nico is a film director, and he thinks that old black and white films were the pinnacle of the genre. He savors the stark contrast and despises HD. Nico is not the easiest person to work with. He is not an egomaniac, but he is very demanding because he is a perfectionist. Nico has had some box office flops which turned into cult classics, and that is what really inspires him to keep going.

  • Nolan

    Nolan is a talented skateboarder who has a unique feature – wings. His wings aren’t strong enough to allow him to fly for long distances, but they do allow him to soar higher and farther than most skaters, giving him a distinctive style and edge in competitions. He is currently planning to open a new skatepark in the town of Lipton because he believes skating is a meditative sport that gives young people an outlet from the stresses of everyday life.

  • Odin

    Odin is a big strong dude who likes to work with his hands and build things. He’s a maker. Not only has he been heavily involved in city planning, but he also designed and built the bridge over the Lippissippi River connecting Lippyville to Lipton. Perhaps most importantly, he designed and constructed the Lippy windmill farm which supplies nearly all of the energy the Lips need.

  • Omar

    Omar has a benign tumor growing out of his head that is shaped like an apple. The tumor has no negative effect on his health, but it does have some interesting effects on his perception. He sees fish whenever he is around water, and this has led him to believe that he has a special connection to the sea creatures. The tumor has also given him an inflated ego, and he regularly refers to himself as "King G all day, every day”. His quirky personality gives him lots of invites to Lip parties.

  • Omari

    All the Lippys love Chief Detective Inspector Royale Omari, who cuts quite the debonair character in his top hat, cape and classic cop stache. Lippys love to listen to his captivating stories. He is extremely observant, conducts excellent interviews, and has a photographic memory. During the “Great Drying” it was Omari who discovered the source of everyone’s woe. Some heroes do wear capes.

  • Orion

    Orion is a very interesting character. He’s a boy genius and an inventor extraordinaire. He also wants to take over the world. Orion has this funny idea that people make a lot of bad decisions, and the ups and downs in their lives are so volatile that it leads to depression and anxiety. So Orion’s big idea is to implant everyone with devices which will flat-line the ups and downs.

  • Orlando

    Orlando creates beautiful bead necklaces and other trinkets for all the folks in Lipland. Unlike many other artisans, Orlando does not sell his items. Instead, he makes a living exclusively by bartering. Just this past week, he traded three clay statues to Benson for a week’s worth of butterbatterberries. Other Lip folk who know about his lifestyle are considering becoming full-time barterers themselves.

  • Orson

    The Lip folks call Orson “the mariner.” When he was a boy he spent every free moment on the coast, looking out over the vast blue horizon. He taught himself to sail when other Lippy boys were flying kits and riding bikes, and no matter how long his voyages, it seems he can never slake his desire for adventure on the high seas. He is brash, bawdy, and brave.

  • Orville

    Orville trained as a classical composer, but his true passion lies in protecting the borders of Lippyville. He spent some time in a POW camp after the great war and because of that experience, he wants to make sure that nothing like that ever happens again. Orville prowls the borders at night in his helmet, cape, and bowtie always ready to call in reinforcements.

  • Oscar

    Oscar is completely devoted to the music of John Lennon. He can often be found listening to Lennon's songs and singing along, lost in the lyrics and the message they convey. In fact, Oscar's conversations often revolve around the themes of love and world peace, and he is constantly trying to spread positivity and understanding wherever he goes. Some people may find his single-minded focus on these topics a bit overwhelming.

  • Osiris

    Osiris is a mighty man, a weightlifter, who never skips leg day. He believes that champions aren’t made in the gyms, but are made from something they have deep inside them--a desire, a dream, a vision. Osiris was a great competitor in his early years. Now he teaches P.E. at the Lippyville junior high school, runs a smoothie shop, and volunteers at the Lippyville nursing home.

  • Otis

    Otis is a master hairdresser and Lip folks line up at his boutique salon for his latest creations. He can do a lob or a bob or even a fancy updo in moments, but he will also do a regular boy’s side part, tapered back and sides. Otis has a line of all-natural hair products and he donates all of the proceeds to fund educational programs for little Lippys.

  • Otto

    Otto has always been known for his sense of humor. In school, he was the class clown and always made his classmates laugh. As an adult, he has taken his comedic talents to social media and has a popular meme account on Instagram. What makes his account special is that his followers never know what to expect from him next. He’s always pushing the boundaries of comedy, and many believe he will go down as one of the greatest.

  • Owen

    Owen runs a small backyard boxing ring in the town of Lipton. All the fighters are made of clay, of course, so there is no real danger for the participants. They just do it for good, competitive fun. Owen runs the club with a laid-back attitude and has established a rule-free environment, where anything goes. To add an extra level of excitement, he had a laser installed in his finger, which he uses to blind his opponents before going in for the knockout blow.

  • Pablo

    Pablo is the executive producer of Public-access TV. As a little boy, his favorite programs were instructional painting shows and cooking shows, but as an adult he gravitates toward local politics. Actually, Pablo just loves giving folks a chance to share their passion with others, no matter how arcane or mundane, if there’s love on the screen then Pablo feels like he has hit a home run.

  • Paco

    Paco creates tiny art that can only be fully appreciated with the use of a magnifying glass. He has gone to great lengths to perfect his craft, including having the skin removed from his hands and arms. He has also had spotlights implanted into his eyes, both providing him with an improved level of precision. His art is now better than ever, and he is quite pleased with the results, not to mention he thinks he looks pretty cool with his modifications.

  • Pascal

    Pascal is a genius inventor, and the Lips know the lollipop means he has just received divine inspiration. Pascal will sometimes disappear into his laboratory for days on end, so he has a trusty assistant who makes sure that he gets fed, although sometimes Pascal will go far too long without sleeping. Most of his inventions do not work the first time, but Pascal has indefatigable determination.

  • Patrice

    Patrice used to be a fearless skateboarder, and at one time it looked like he was going to be the best skateboarder in Lippyland, but a series of bad falls and tough breaks have made him question his passion. Little does he know that some inspiration will come into his life and everything will be okay in the end. And if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.

  • Paul

    Paul has thought about little else besides space since he was a boy. So it's no surprise that he is one of the top graduating students at Cal Tech. His goal is to start up his own space program and explore the farthest corners of the universe.

  • Pauly

    Pauly is a marijuana farmer. His plants are known for their high potency, and people can get high even by smelling the flowers. As a result, he wears a gas mask at all times while working on his farm. Due to the recent rise in popularity of a new plant in Lipland called Lip Bomb, Pauly is becoming increasingly concerned about the future of his industry.

  • Paxton

    Paxton is a VR video game designer and inventor. He started out as a gamer and he even won some important competitions. Since then, Paxton has made several innovations in an attempt to cross the “uncanny valley” and some people are actually scared by how realistic his games have become. Beyond the entertainment aspect, Paxton’s dream is to create a VR world where folks can educate themselves and build knowledge together, edifying everyone.

  • Pedro

    Pedro loves cosplay! His favorite holidays are Dia de los Muertos and Halloween. His favorite character is Adalman from Tensura 2, the index finger of the Demon Lord Clayman. Cosplay is his favorite thing and he doesn’t give a flying pygg if folks think he’s bizarre. Pedro loves to share his passion with real fans, and he despises models who use cosplay to launch their “career” as an influencer.

  • Percy

    The Lip folks love being around Percy because he carries an infectious sense of wonder. Percy does not just put his head down and go through his daily routine like so many folks in the world. He constantly sees the beauty of his surroundings, and his almost childlike curiosity leads to questions that most people take for granted, like why are we here, and where are we going?

  • Peter

    That Peter! He’s such a character. Peter is a homesteader who lives off the land. He taught himself fishing, hunting, and trapping, plus he can craft almost anything. Peter has a world-class garden and combined with his canning skills, he makes the greatest tomato sauce the Lip folks have ever tasted. Oh, and his strawberry jam is a perennial contender for the blue ribbon at the Lippy State Fair -- Lip folks love putting it on pancakes or waffles.

  • Phoenix

    Phoenix is the owner of Clay Land, a small amusement park located in the southern region of Lipland. He operates his business with a unique payment structure, allowing visitors to pay only what they can afford. If a person is unable to pay, they are welcome to come in for free. Phoenix believes that everyone should have access to the joys of an amusement park regardless of their financial situation.

  • Pierce

    Pierce is currently training himself to communicate without talking. He has been able to perform simple tasks telepathically such as asking for directions to the bathroom or ordering food at a restaurant. He is determined to master this ability, and he believes that nonverbal communication can be more powerful than words. His ultimate goal – end all wars.

  • Pierre

    Like Saint-Exupéry who flew to magical worlds with love and roses, Pierre also dreams of flying to better places and better times. He loves freely and passionately, which means he has had his heart broken and shattered into a million tiny pieces. He has traveled around, and looked for something to fix the fracture, but now Pierre just wants a tiny world and a rose to care for.

  • P.J.

    P.J. is obsessed with camouflage, and he goes to great lengths to blend in and to be invisible. He paints his skin like a zebra and wears full camo gear all the time. Rumors say that he was once a member of a notorious Lips Goat Gang, but he borrowed money from several of his friends and now he is trying to avoid them rather than pay his debt. We hope this all turns out okay.

  • Pookie

    Pookie loves waking up in the morning because he believes every day is a new day, a new chance to do something meaningful, a new opportunity just waiting to be seized. Despite the ups and downs in life, Pookie feels optimistic in the morning because the day is full of potential, every single day of our lives. That’s why Pookie salivates at the possibility that today will be THE day.

  • Prince

    Prince is a clay skeleton with big dreams. He is a jack of all trades, and he feels like he can be a professional everything. Basically, he thinks he should be paid for being alive. Of course not many people agree, so they are reluctant to hire him. He always seems to find a way, though, and we’re pretty sure this Dude is gonna make it.

  • Quarry

    “Old school” barely begins to describe Quarry. You can tell from his style that his favorite musicians are Buddy Holly and Elvis Costello, and his favorite skateboarder is Bob Burnquist (Quarry loves the Fakie 5-0 Kickflip -- someday he’ll pull it off). Quarry doesn’t necessarily think thighs were better “back then” than they are now, but he certainly knows that what goes up must come down, and vice versa.

  • Quentin

    Quentin is a Dude the central Lipton. He grew up surrounded by a tight-knit community of friends, but over the years, one by one, they have all moved away. Now, Quentin is left feeling lonely and isolated in the place he once called home. He is plagued by a sense of heavy FOMO, wondering what adventures his friends are having without him. With the little money he has saved, he is now considering investing in a small plot of land where he can finally realize his dream of raising sheep.

  • Rafael

    Rafael was a constant weed and cigarette smoker until he found Jazzy’s steam shop. Jazzy turned him on to Lip Bomb, which gives him a natural burst of energy and a mental cognition boost with no negative side effects. Rafael believes that if this substance ever hits the mainstream outside of Lipland, it could alter the evolutionary path of the planet. In just a few weeks of using it, his life has turned around.

  • Raiden

    Raiden is a man who has a real problem with logos. He believes that people should be able to express themselves without being forced to advertise for corporations. As a result, he refuses to wear clothing with logos or branding, and is always on the lookout for ways to avoid being a "corporate billboard." Despite his anti-logo stance, Raiden doesn’t consider himself a radical or a rebel. He is just a thoughtful Dude who simply wants to live his life on his own terms.

    Oh… and he’s a degen.

  • Ramon

    This is Ramon, cheese connoisseur and football lover. He recently got some new shiny teeth that he keeps on show at all times. Hopefully, he’ll find himself a lovely @claylips_nfts lady! Good luck!

    - @StephenKing01

  • Randy

    Randy got his pilot’s license last year for his new business. He flies out of Lippyland to the Island of Harloria where he gets modest quantities of the elusive alliphiom stone. He uses the stone to create miniature moai statues. At first he was just selling them to Clay Lips folks, but he started exporting them around the world and became.. Well, let’s just say Dude has bands.

  • Raphael

    To say that Raphael is into biotech is something of an understatement. He started in biomedical engineering to cure diseases and improve quality of life. But then something happened… Raphael started to delve into the dark corners of biotech, the moral gray area, the borderlands of ethics. Rumor has it that Raphael successfully removed his head and reattached it, and that his dark arts will give him immortality.

  • Raul

    Raul is just about as sophisticated as they come. He received an excellent education from Muddlesborough College, and later he curated the modern art museum before leaving to become a very successful broker. But Raul also makes simple things very complicated to show off how smart he is. Being pretentious doesn’t help him make friends. Plus, he abjures both pancakes and waffles in favor of crepes.

  • Reggie

    Guess what Reggie’s favorite sport is? He doesn’t just like basketball, he LOVES it. Reggie was born with hip deformities that made it difficult for him to walk correctly, but after wearing leg braces for years he grew strong enough to play sports like the rest of his amazing, athletic family. Reggie loves talking about overcoming his obstacles and inspiring others to keep reaching for the stars.

  • Reid

    Reuben travels the globe in search of obscure meals and high-class cigars. Needless to say, he has his mind blown on a regular basis. He’s thinking about opening up a restaurant in Lipton featuring some of the ridiculous foods he’s tried. These foods include such delicacies as waffle and lamprey sandwiches, Krispy Kreme bread pudding, and broccoli rabe.

  • Remington

    Remington is the most famous person in Lipland, but nobody is quite sure why. He commands attention wherever he goes, with people going wild when they see him in public. Men's palms get sweaty and women faint in his presence. He is known for his dark sunglasses and his unique line of clothing that features crowns. Nobody knows where these clothes come from or who makes them.

  • Remy

    Remy is a cultural commentator who has gained notoriety for his views on the 40-hour work week. He is a vocal critic of the traditional work culture, stating that it's detrimental to social health and well-being. He lives by the quote, “It’s no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” For Remy, status quo is status NO!

  • Rene

    Rene has had these eyes since the day he was born. It was okay as a baby, but when he went to school, especially middle and high school, he was teased relentlessly. Good thing for him, though, his eyes have the power to make him masterful at any activity. He chose to be a good singer. Listen to his voice glow!

  • Reuben

    Reuben travels the globe in search of obscure meals and high-class cigars. Needless to say, he has his mind blown on a regular basis. He’s thinking about opening up a restaurant in Lipton featuring some of the ridiculous foods he’s tried. These foods include such delicacies as waffle and lamprey sandwiches, Krispy Kreme bread pudding, and broccoli rabe.

  • Rhett

    Rhett is a master ball trickster. What’s that, you ask? Well, he is one of the world’s best jugglers. He can hit incredible basketball trick shots at over a 75% rate. He can dribble a soccer ball at Messi level. He performs his feats at halftime shows around the US, and when he’s not touring, he’s a high school hacky sack teacher. Yes, that’s a thing… at least in Lippyville.

  • Richard

    Richard was doing private investigator work in Brazil. He was floating down the Amazon one day, when a lovely pink fish jumped up into his boat. The fish couldn’t talk of course, but it was clear from the look in the fish’s eyes that he wanted to be Richard’s pet and companion. When Richard reached down into the river to scoop up some water for his new friend, piranhas picked his bones clean in a matter of seconds. Sometimes friendship is hard.

  • Riggs

    Despite his evil, dangerous appearance, Riggs is the nicest Dude ever. He visits children in hospitals, and he is a regular contributor to countless charitable organizations around the world. He attributes his generosity to growing up in a broken home and an all around difficult situation. The generosity he received from others, though, gave him the confidence and means to make something of himself!

  • Riley

    Riley lives a double life. By day, he is a master accountant who handles taxes for most of the Clay Lips characters. His night life is not as clear. He he often arrives home at the break of dawn or shortly thereafter with bloody knuckles and a sweat-stained t-shirt. He could either be a part of some kind of fight club or he’s a superhero of sorts. We’re still trying to find out.

  • River

    River saw the movie Into the Wild, and it changed his life. Like the main character in the movie, his family pushed him to be an academic, but he just knew that wasn’t him. River rejects the current structure of our society. He seeks a minimal life, living in nature with a basic set of pleasures and pains. He says that his new lifestyle gives him the opportunity to find rainbows in all situations.

  • Robert

    Robert is a friend of Ruben, another Lip Dude who won the lottery. Ruben gave Robert some of his money, so Robert is thinking about what to do. One option is that he could get a clay surgeon to restore the clay on his hands, but his girlfriend thinks his bony hands are attractive.

  • Rocky

    This is Rocky. He's happy to be here, but doesn't remember why he's here. Rocky really likes potato chips.

    - @copperseedsafe

  • Rodney

    Rodney might look friendly, but when it comes to soccer (or footie as he calls it), he’s a savage. Rain or shine, he follows his favorite team around Europe. He knows all the songs and chants. He buys all the merchandise. And he even gets in a fight from time to time, though he says he’s not looking for it. He says that the love of the game makes all the ups and downs worth it.

  • Rodrigo

    Rodrigo has had an interesting life. There have been at least eleven different occasions when something has fallen out of the sky. The objects have all been different things from bird poop while he was playing basketball to a can of Coke when he was walking down the street with a friend. He has invested in a helmet and some protective yet stylish glasses for obvious reasons.

  • Roland

    Roland was hanging out with some friends at a party when a beautiful woman came up to him and gave him a drink. It was absolutely delicious, and the ensuing conversation was amazing. But then he started feeling funny. Had he been drugged? Maybe. He was calling a friend to tell him to get over to the party when he saw a clay fish swim by.

  • Ron

    If you don’t know Ron, you don’t know Philly. Ron has been sitting in the nosebleeds at Flyers and Eagles games since the early 1970s. Ron was actually born with a different name, but he changed his name to Ron in 1990 to honor his favorite player of all time. In the nosebleeds he is known as the Philly Pharaoh by all the other regulars for obvious reasons.

  • Ronan

    Ronan grew up in a family that really valued finance and investment. He left home after high school and pursued higher education in business, and later, he became an early adopter of cryptocurrencies. Needless to say, he’s done well for himself. Unfortunately, he has trouble making real friends because he thinks most people are beneath him. Good news, though, he’s met a lady recently, and he’s softening up a bit.

  • Rondo

    Rondo was one of the world’s top badminton players. In fact, he was in Luxembourg recently to compete for the world championship against his arch rival, Warner von Schnitzelberger. It was a tight match, but a few controversial calls by the judge gave the edge to Warner. Rondo is livid, and he vows revenge against all of the parties he deems guilty. More to come…

  • Roscoe

    Cold-call marketing is often frowned upon by people around the world. That is, of course, until they get a call from Roscoe. He asked us not to reveal his exact secret, but let’s just say his soothing tones coupled with a perfect blend of vocabulary and grammatical structures puts his customers in a trance of sorts. Just last week he sold 10 pounds of sand to a surfer.

  • Rowan

    A tragic ice hockey incident caused Rowan to lose all the hair on top of his head, and he has spent the past several years searching for a cure. Finally he found a doctor in central Asia who claimed he could help. Rowan visited the doctor immediately and took the medicine he offered. Not a single hair grew back on Rowan’s head, but for the first time in his life he has a full, bushy beard.

  • Royal

    Royal struggles with identity issues. He loves his twin brother, Royce, but he feels overshadowed by his brother's accomplishments. Royce has always been the academic and athletic standout, and he is more confident with the ladies, too. Royal has begun to question his own worth and abilities. He constantly compares himself to his brother, and he feels inadequate and uncertain about his place in the world.

  • Royce

    Royce considers himself a fashionista. Unfortunately, he’s way behind the times. For example, the long-sleeve tee he’s wearing was popular two years ago. And his snapback was something that he really wanted last year, but he couldn’t save up enough to buy it until recently. He was unaware of his ignorance until recently when a friend told him, and now he feels anxious.

  • Ruben

    Ruben grew up poor, and he had several experiences of being treated badly by rich people. As a result, he hated money and thought it was evil. Then one day recently, he found a winning lottery ticket on the ground and became a multi-millionaire instantly. He doesn’t know what to think.

  • Rudy

    Rudy has always been a thrill seeker. He loves dangerous adventures and scary movies the most. Recently, he was in a graveyard late at night all by himself. He was trying to find extra spooky tombstones when he heard a noise behind him. He quickly turned around and saw a pair of glowing eyes. That’s the last thing he remembers. But now his eyes are starting to glow, too.

  • Russell

    We think that Russell has a good life, but he doesn’t really agree. He has a good job, and his friends and family love him. The one overwhelming problem for him is that his wings are too small. He tried to make them bigger, but his small frame simply wont support larger ones. We urge him to focus on the positive like his awesome mustache and cool Lips tatty.

  • Ryan

    Ryan travels the world. He usually drives his van, which he has modified to accommodate his lifestyle. He loves meeting people and using their wisdom to better himself. His most recent accomplishment is quitting smoking. He was a pack-a-day Camel guy, and now he chews lots of gum and uses his extra dough to invest in startups.

  • Ryder

    Ryder likes all things strawberry. Strawberry jelly, Strawberry jam. Strawberry preserves. Strawberry trinkets. Strawberry pies. Strawberry yogurt. Strawberry air freshener. Clay Lips girls who wear strawberry hats. His signature dish is strawberry pancakes. The only strawberry thing he doesn’t like is strawberries on their own. Weird but true.

  • Ryker

    Ryker is an expert martial artist, but that is not why he was hired to one of the elite Special Forces units. His deadly weapon is the ultra high pitched frequencies he can reach with his scream. It started as a prank in elementary school, but when his classmates’ ears started bleeding, authorities took notice. It is said that Ryker has helped take down some of the world’s most notorious criminals.

  • Salvatore

    Salvatore is a fine artist who looks down on you. He takes his art very seriously, and he has little patience for those who do not appreciate the finer things in life. To Salvatore, art is not just a hobby or a pastime - it is a way of life, and he expects those around him to treat it with the same level of respect and reverence. He also has an unhealthy obsession with goats, and he often finds himself fixated on their strange and otherworldly appearance. He is especially fascinated by their eyes, which seem to see into the very soul, and by their strange, hoofed feet, which seem to dance on the edge of the divine.

  • Samson

    Samson has an imaginary pig friend named Beaver. Beaver is loyal and kind, usually, but he’s always riding Samson about changing his ways. Samson is a heavy smoker. He also wears bandages on his nips, and he wears pink eyeshadow on all the wrong occasions. In Samson’s defense, everyone has their thing. The question is: Is that always okay?

  • Santiago

    Santiago is extremely focused on cleanliness and hygiene. He is not a germophobe, but he is fastidious about maintaining cleanliness in all aspects of his life. He believes that a clean body and home lead to a clean mind, and he makes it a point to always be impeccably groomed and to keep his living space spotless. In fact he is often seen carrying hand sanitizers, wipes and other cleaning supplies with him, and his favorite saying is “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

  • Santino

    Santino’s dream has always been to become a household name in entertainment. He doesn’t know how or when, but he knows the why. His grandfather was on his way to being a world famous singer when he died in a car accident. Santino feels that he has the talent and the will power to pick up where his grandfather left off. Look for him on soon on a screen near you.

  • Sawyer

    Sawyer woke up one day on the shores of a deserted island. He had no recollection of how he got there or of how he attained his incredible wings. The only thing he is sure of is that he is a fan of the Lips… whatever that means. He has no idea. Fortunately, this deserted island was full of delicious food and drinks, so rather than become malnourished, Sean lives a solitary life of abundance.

  • Scott

    Scott plans to set the world record for sleep deprivation. He is currently at three days without sleep, and he is already experiencing difficulties. To keep his mind occupied and awake, he has taken to engaging in various wacky activities. He recently got gold fronts, grew a mustache, and even took up hang gliding. He is determined to push through the sleep deprivation and set the record, no matter how strange or dangerous his actions may seem.

  • Sebastian

    Sebastian is the general manager of the Lipton Smooches, one of the hockey teams in Lipland. As a kid, Sebastian believed that the only true way to play hockey was without masks or helmets. Unfortunately, he was hit in the face multiple times with pucks and sticks, leaving him severely disfigured. Out of respect for others, Sebastian rarely takes off his mask both on and off the ice.

  • Sean

    Sean is an archaeologist. Actually, that’s an understatement. Sean is one of the foremost archaeologists of his time. A few years ago, he discovered the remains of what was formerly a mythological creature. Now he wears the teeth of this creature around his neck as a badge of honor. Sean is currently in Southeast Asia in hopes of making his next major discovery.

  • Shane

    Shane is a tortured soul, to be honest. He is an incredible Dude - smart, personable, athletic. The problem is, he can’t put down the bottle and the smokes. Shane recently heard some news that turned his life upside down. He has a son. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to overcome his demons enough to be a present father, but he has vowed to give it his best starting today.

  • Shannon

    Shannon’s gloves used to be white… until he met his buddy, Shaw. Shaw is a farmer in the Midwest, and Shannon has been an apprentice on his farm for a while now. Turns out, Shannon has a knack for growing crops, and his diligence is unmatched. As a token of gratitude, Shaw hooked Shannon up with one of the dope AI art pieces he created.

  • Shiloh

    Shiloh suffers from Marvel Mental Madness, a condition that causes him to experience hallucinations of Marvel characters who he believes are out to get him. These hallucinations follow him everywhere he goes, even into his dreams, leaving him unable to sleep properly for years. For obvious reasons, The Hulk is the one that scares him the most. Shiloh is on the edge and needs help.

  • Sigmund

    Sigmind was one of Santa's elves last year. However, Santa suspected that he was doing criminal activities, so Santa had to let him go. We asked Sigmund what really happened, and he told us he is definitely not on Santa's "naughty" list. We believe him.

    - Cakey 5000

  • Silas

    Silas has been skating since he was a little kid. When he was about 8 or 9, he fell off some stairs trying to land a new trick. He busted most of his teeth, and he was forced to get implants. At first he was shy about them, but now they’ve become part of his identity. His teeth and his mouse ears, which he uses as a helmet, make him stand out in any crowd.

  • Simon

    Simon can’t find his apple. He has looked everywhere from above the clouds to the bottom of the sea. Can you help him?

  • Solomon

    Solomon is the most sought after martial arts instructor in Lippyville. He has a black belt in just about everything, and he has held the Lipland MMA title since he was in high school. After a few devastating knockouts, no one even dares to challenge him. It’s okay, though. He doesn’t need to fight to earn a living anymore. He just lives at his dojo and accepts all sorts of payment using the barter system, which is becoming a local trend.

  • Stephon

    Stephon is one of the few Lip Dudes who is made up entirely of clay bones. We don’t know much about this yet, but we do know that Stephon is an avid gamer. He currently works as a video game tester and has aspirations to build his own company.

  • Steve

    Steve lives a quiet life with his wife and kids in the UK. He’s a big footie fan, and he enjoys a smoke from time to time. He is an outspoken advocate of mental health awareness because he himself battles each day with anxiety and depression. He is an excellent resource and a great friend to us.

  • Stoney

    It all started when Stoney first began using a VR headset to learn Chinese. He was fascinated by the language and the culture, and he was determined to become fluent. As Stoney's skills and knowledge grew, he became more and more fascinated by the possibilities of the tech, and he began to spend more and more time in virtual Beijing, exploring the city and interacting with the people who lived there. Before long, he had moved into virtual Beijing full-time. He hasn’t taken off his headset for almost two years.

  • Sullivan

    Sullivan watched that documentary about training tigers and other big animals, and he knew immediately that he’s found his calling. He got an internship at an animal reserve, and now he is ready to take the next step and open up his own park.

  • Sutton

    Sutton is an urban shaman. On any given weekend, up to twenty or so Dudes and Ladies come to his apartment to take part in ceremonies. Nobody knows the exact concoction that he serves in his Claybucks cups, but what they do know is that on a Monday after a Sutton ceremony, they feel renewed and ready to conquer life!

  • Sven

    Sven is no conspiracy theorist. He knows and has relationships with several sasquatches. In fact, he has been spending more and more time with the sasquatch Dudes, digging into their lore and thinking about how to share it with the world… or even if he should.

  • Tate

    Tate was a child prodigy, receiving scholarships to several major universities at a very early age. He never accepted any of the offers, though, because he wanted to pursue his own studies without a leash. He’s never told us exactly what he is researching, but we’re assuming it’s big. We can’t wait to find out more!

  • Taylor

    In Taylor's mind, being a "gangsta" means standing up against social and systemic issues that can negatively impact people's lives and well-being. He bucks against any institutions or people who glorify poor diet, poor education, and division in society. He lives a life that embodies resistance to such issues. When he meets you, he’ll look into your soul and see you for who you really are. And if you stand for health and equality, he’ll ride with you forever.

  • Teddy

    A little known fact, Teddy is the mastermind behind the “Growth Mindset” movement. You see, Teddy is a television marketer by trade. Several years ago, he discovered how to put subliminal messages in advertisements that urged people to think process over product. Now, people all around the world, especially educators, live with this philosophy continuously in mind.

  • Terrence

    Terrence has always had a complex about his sharp, pointy teeth. Kids openly made fun of him when he was in elementary school, and then whispered about him as he got older. Recently, though, a modeling agency reached out to him because they thought his teeth were simply awesome. They cut him a huge check, and now he is feeling much more confident about his smile.

  • Tex

    Tex is a laid-back and easygoing guy who is known for his signature moustache. His moustache is unique in that it produces a special essential oil that has a number of benefits. First, the excessive drippings seep into the ground and play a major role in purifying the water table worldwide, making Tex an environmental hero. Additionally, the aromas from the oil flow into Tex's nose constantly, giving him a sense of calm and understanding that make him irresistible to men and women alike.

  • Thadeus

    A long time ago, there was a drought in Lippyville. The Lips folk were drying out and dying. Thadeus knew at this time that he had to do something. So he ventured up into the mountains and channeled all the streams toward his village. It was hard work, but because of him, the Clay Lips community has the mighty Lippissippi River and Lake Thadeus. He is a hero among the Lips.

  • Theo

    When Theo was a boy, he was extremely overweight. His parents thought that going to the Boy Scouts would help him lose weight and make friends. The Scout Troop did lots of activities and took many trips, and Theo developed a love for traveling. At first, moving around that much was hard, but because he enjoyed it, he stuck with it, and he started a lifetime of healthy choices.

  • Thorpe

    Thorpe loves to play the guitar. The guitar isn’t real, though. It’s VR. In the meta-world where he plays, he’s a superstar. Everyone knows him as the best player around. In the real world, though, he is extremely shy. It took a lot for him to try playing a real guitar for people, but when he did, he found out that his skills are real here, too. And he is on his way to being famous everywhere!

  • Timothy

    Timothy has a major problem. He was born with a little tuft of blue feathers growing from his tailbone. Over the years, the tuft has grown into beautiful peacock like plumage. Well, at least others find it beautiful. Timothy is extremely self-conscious about it. One day, a little blue worm gave him a medallion with a hunk of mold cheese on it and told him that this cheese would keep the plumage from growing. Timothy doesn’t know what to do or what to believe.

  • Titus

    Titus is the founder of the small but growing Church of Trevor Lawrence. It started as an accidental viewing of an American football game on the Lips’ community television. The enthusiasm was electrifying, and after hours and hours of talk, Titus knew that this was something special. He and a small group of enthusiasts plan to dig deeper, and all the Lip Folk they talk to are completely on board so far.

  • Tobias

    Tobias grew up during a time when being gay was extremely taboo, and as a result, he kept his true identity a secret until he was in his early 30s. He still deals with discrimination regularly, but he has found a group of friends who support him and a partner who loves him unconditionally. He is so much happier now that he ever was.

  • Tony

    Tony has a special ability to see ghosts. The first time he saw a ghost, he was about 10 years old. His mom had asked him to go to the basement to get something. There, he met Jerry, an old man who had died in the house many years before. He and Jerry are still friends to this day. However, whenever they go out, people look at Tony very strangely.

    - @cakey5000

  • Torry

    Torry is a skateboarder, as we can see. However, skateboarding is not his biggest passion. His life’s work is researching bats. One day, when he was young, his school took a field trip to a bat cave nearby. When they got there, several bats flew directly to him. They attacked him and destroyed his face. He wasn’t angry, though. He was more curious, and he wants to get to the bottom of this mystery.

  • Tracy

    Tracy recently got a VR headset that allows him to sit courtside for every NBA, WNBA, and college basketball game. This new acquisition has had an extreme effect on his health, though we’re not sure if the results are a net positive or negative. You see, he’s lost about 75 pounds, and he’s quit smoking and drinking. But his eyesight has diminished, and he has lost several friends.

  • Trevor

    Trevor is a teenager with an unusual appearance. Yep, he’s only sixteen, but he sports a mustache and a full set of horns. The thing is all of this happened over a period of about six months. The rapid growth of his physical features has caused him intense headaches and pain in his upper lip, but he brushes it off with a nonchalant attitude. He confidently declares that “chicks dig the ‘stache” and deems it worth the discomfort.

  • Tripp

    Tripp is a charismatic and likable individual who has managed to make a lasting impression on many of his peers. In fact, seventeen people have identified Tripp as their best friend from high school, even though they all attended high school at different times and in different locations. We are looking into the reliability of the “friends’” statements, but so far, we’ve found no holes. And frankly, we’re baffled.

  • Tristan

    Tristan has nodes implanted in his head. By connecting these nodes to his specialized computer system, he claims to have the power to read the financial markets with astonishing accuracy. He is quick to emphasize, though, that his surgery is not financial advice and warns that there are some strange side effects. While he has yet to mention what these side effects are, the hearts in his eyes hint at potential love issues? That’s what we think, anyway. How about you?

  • Tru

    Tru is the current reigning pancake eating champion of the Lips community. He can put the stacks away like you wouldn’t believe, and he is actually thinking about entering bigger contests held around the world. When he’s not devouring flapjacks, he likes watching popular TV dramas and writing about them on his blog. We see big things in Tru’s future if he puts his mind to it.

  • Tucker

    Tucker is the host of a weekly talk show in Lippyvile called "The Lip Connection". He’s been working hard, but so far he has yet to make a successful match between any of the single Lip Folks who’ve been on the show. He’s still optimistic and undaunted because he knows that he has a good idea and success is just around the corner. He wanted us to tell you that if you see any Lip Folks that might be good candidates for the show, please let him know.

  • Turner

    Because he is so intelligent, particularly when it comes to computer programming, most people think that Turner is a nerd who sits in the dark typing away the day. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, he loves computers, but his true passion lies in being outside, working in the yard. And his very favorite thing to do is to open the hood of his old pickup and tinker with the engine.

  • Tyler

    Tyler has a huge passion for the magical clay beneath Lipland. In fact, his passion has led to moderate success so far. He is the discoverer of many, if not all, of the clay insect species in Lipland and is always on the lookout for new discoveries. His curiosity has led him to question the possibility of finding similar small clay life forms in the human realm. He has talked to close friends in the Lippy community about possibly taking a trek across the Lipalayas to pursue his dream.

  • Tyson

    Tyson is in a state of confusion. He has a small clay statue on his shoulder that serves as a guide, directing him down the right path. However, he is also burdened with a pair of evil-looking wings and a necklace with sharp teeth that seem to obligate him to engage in various forms of wrongdoing. He struggles daily to reconcile these opposing forces and find a way to live in harmony with the conflicting parts of his being.

  • Uriel

    Uriel is one of the several potheads among the Clay Lips Dudes. Some people may judge him for his choice, but he feels that being a pothead makes him a better, more well-rounded person. He’s a lyricist by trade, his lyrics coming in the form of poetry, hip-hop, and even romantic ballads. He says that being a pothead has contributed greatly to all of his successes.

  • Valentin

    When he was growing up, Valentin was always the class clown. As a young adult, he’s still the funny guy in most situations. At first, we laughed along with all of the other people. But as we’ve gotten to know him a bit more, we suspect that he uses humor to cover up some deep emotional wounds. We don’t want to be nosy, but our ears are open for sure.

  • Van

    Van struggles with depression. In an effort to combat this condition, he tries to stay active. Recently, Van discovered a talent for swimming and has set his sights on pushing himself to see just how far he can go in the sport. There is one problem, though. Van hates waking up early, which he thinks is a requirement for successful athletes. He has been thinking about starting his own night swimming club to help other folks like him.

  • Vance

    Vance got a job last year on his cousin’s farm. He liked the work at first, but he ended up working his fingers to the bone, literally. Luckily, everything on Vance’s body is regenerative. He lost his horns in a skydiving accident last year, and they grew back pretty quickly. His bony hands are inconvenient for now, but they won’t be a problem for long.

  • Vicente

    Vicente is addicted to Runts… you know, the hard fruit-shaped candy. It started as innocent fun. He went to the movies with some buddies and got some snacks at the concession stand. The popcorn was good, and the Milk Duds were okay. But after he put that first piece of fruity goodness into his mouth, his life was never the same. He doesn’t know anyone else who has this addiction, so he’s found it difficult to find a support group to help him kick the habit.

  • Victor

    Victor is a mad scientist, but not in the traditional sense. He's not crazy, he's angry. He sees the world as squandering its intellectual potential by politicizing science and glorifying ignorance. He believes that humans should be doing more to advance their knowledge and capabilities, rather than focusing on trivial or self-serving pursuits. He is currently on a mission to invite humans to the peninsula, where they can pursue their research freely, without the distractions and limitations of modern society.

  • Vincent

    Vincent watched the movie Into the Wild recently, and coincidentally he is a recent college grad as well. He is thinking about taking a similar trip because honestly, he’s pretty cynical about society. He is recruiting other Lips characters to take the trip with him. Any takers?

  • Wade

    Wade is a quirky and eccentric Dude who is always looking for new and exciting ways to push the boundaries. A few years ago, he stumbled upon the concept of NFTs on Reddit and became fascinated by the potential they held. In his excitement, he took the phrase "going to the moon" literally and decided to invest in wing implants. Despite the unusual nature of this decision, Wade has more friends than ever whom he hangs out with on Twitter Spaces daily.

  • Walker

    Walker is a free-spirited Lip Dude who believes in the magic of life. Specifically, he's a firm believer in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and spends most of his time searching for these elusive arches of color. Walker has never actually reached the end of a rainbow, but his pursuit of them has led him on some wild and wacky adventures. We wish him safe travels and good luck in his pursuit.

  • Wallace

    Wallace went into an antique shop and bought a pot rumored to be thousands of years old. The shopkeeper was acting strange about the pot, but Wallace just had to have it. Well, he brought it home, and soon felt an irresistible urge to put it on his head. And when he did, strange things started happening. He believes that he was transported to another dimension where everything was surreal. He is now on a journey to understand the powers of the pot.

  • Walter

    Walter can scream so loud that he can break windows and sometimes even crack stone. His incredible vocal strength has not gone unnoticed, and he has recently been contacted by a secret government organization that wants to use his voice as a weapon in urban warfare and hostage situations. Walter is still weighing his options regarding whether to start a private mercenary organization or work with “the man”.

  • Wayne

    Wayne is a nice guy, sure. But do not tell him your secrets. He doesn’t try to gossip. It’s just that he loves talking, he loves getting big reactions from people, and he has no filter. He understands this about himself, and he’s trying to work on it by keeping tape on his mouth in sensitive social situations. We believe that with will power, all bad habits can be remedied!

  • Wes

    Wes has been skateboarding pretty much since he’s been walking. He’s had his fair share of injuries. He’s had so many injuries, in fact, that we believe he has one of the highest pain thresholds ever. We were at a party with him last week and we watched him nonchalantly reach into a fire to pick up a hotdog someone dropped in there. We plan to test our theory further.

  • Wesley

    As a kid, Wesley never felt valued and appreciated by his parents. As a result, he left home at the age of 15 to pursue his dreams in life. He definitely made his share of mistakes, but he sincerely believes that people should not live with regrets, and that every experience is an opportunity for growth.

  • Wilder

    Wilder has a keen eye for fashion. From his hairstyle to his pipe, he has the perfect mixture of fun and sophistication. He is a public motivational speaker and youth life coach. He believes that no one should confine themselves to one box, but rather, we should explore and celebrate all aspects of ourselves.

  • Wilfred

    Wilfred is into continuous self-improvement. He thinks the most important thing is not comparing oneself to others but comparing oneself to yesterday’s you. He’s always been a slow typist, so he recently got a certificate in typing, and he’s feeling proud of himself… for good reason!

  • William

    William molded himself into a Zebra. Well, kind of. He’s still shaped like a regular Dude, but he has black and white stripes, and his head is zebra-shaped. He got laughed at a lot, so he bought a cool gas mask to cover himself up in public. He struggles with identity issues to this day, but he has found a close circle of friends who encourage him to be himself. They say to him, if you feel like a zebra, be a zebra, bro.

  • Winston

    Winston is a well-known poet in Lipland, known for his unconventional writing style and bold philosophy. He has a way with words that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impact. His works are often described as raw, unapologetic, and thought-provoking. He isn't afraid to challenge societal norms and address taboo subjects in his poems. His unique voice and fearless approach to writing have made him a beloved figure in the Lippy literary community.

  • Woody

    Formerly an elite athlete, Woody is now an elite businessman and crypto enthusiast. He’s not one to give financial advice, so don’t ask. Just watch what he does and you’ll have a good idea of what to do. We appreciate you, Woody!

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt is a silent member of the #YoungADA project on Cardano. His responsibilities include general advice as well as keeping members’ emotions at an even level through both bear and bull markets. His motto in life is that nothing is forever, and we should try to keep that in mind during all of our daily moments.

  • Xander

    Xander is a lethal MMA fighter. He’s just an amateur now, but wait until he shows up on the pro scene. He’s slight of build, but his finesse and skill will amaze you. He is in line to be the first professional fighter sponsored by Cardano.

  • Xavier

    When most people first meet Xavier, they think he’s gonna be kind of a bully. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. Xavier has made it his mission in life to make sure the weak are not only protected, but that they learn verbal and physical skills that can protect them.

  • Yabo

    Yabo was the youngest of five brothers growing up, so he learned to be tough at an early age. It’s helped him tremendously in his pro skating career. He never gets upset when he falls or misses a trick. He just gets back up and nails it the next time!

  • Yadiel

    Despite his unique appearance, Yadiel is kind of a normal guy. He grew up in Cuba in a loving, supportive family, and he seems pretty nice. He is kind of quiet, though, so he might have more stories to tell. We’ll keep you updated.

  • Yancey

    Yancey is the chief editor of the Lippy Tribune. He believes in giving the Lip Folks a fair and honest report of what’s happening on the peninsula. To be honest, the only real bias that the Lip Folks have is towards either pancakes or waffles. Other than that, they live a mostly harmonious life as they live by the Golden Rule, which is the only law on the peninsula. Yancey is thinking about hiring a mainland correspondent to report on the actions of Clay Lips living in the human world.

  • Yousef

    Yousef has been prone to freak accidents since he was a kid. His list of injuries include a cracked skull from when a bowling ball fell out of a third story window and hit him in the head, two prosthetic arms as a result of a sword fight with his sister, and a mouth full of cracked teeth from getting kicked in the face by a rabid hippo. Silver lining, he has an incredibly high tolerance for pain, and as a result, he makes a great living out of doing amazing stunts and rescue missions.

  • Zain

    Zain is one of the elder statesmen in the Lips community. Other dudes come to him for advice on all matters of things. Zain is a voracious reader, and as a result, he has in-depth knowledge regarding world history in general and the history of the Lips people specifically.

  • Zayden

    Zayden is the local sports news Dude. He attends all Lips sporting events, both professional and amateur, and he writes up the reports in the Lippy Tribune. The Clay Lips Folks have an all-clay newspaper that they get every morning. There is some magic (or something) behind how the news-clay-per is made and distributed, but Zayden and his colleagues have not revealed the secret to us yet. We need to earn his trust.

  • Zechariah

    Zechariah loves Cardano, but he is definitely not a maxi. He invests in various cryptocurrencies and NFTs. He believes that a rising tide lifts all ships. Zech is a huge Lips advocate, and he’s actually the one who asked all the TV heads to hold up the signs.

  • Zeke

    Zeke’s favorite project on Cardano is Clay Nation. He loves what they are doing and how they’ve paved the way for so many other projects, clay and non, to come after them. When he’s not thinking about the blockchain, he loves practicing extreme parkour.

  • Zesus

    Zesus moved down to Costa Rica a few years back to lead a more relaxing life in a warm climate. He loves his life there. He trades Cardano NFTs, practices Tai chi, and makes tapestries for tourists and locals alike.

  • Zeusy

    Zeusy one of the only (if not the only) Lip Dude who has ever spent time behind bars. He made some bad decisions in his younger days, but he has learned from his mistakes, and now he has made it his mission to give back to the community. Specifically, he spends a lot of time with young people who are at the crossroads of life. He emphasizes to them the importance of education and, more importantly, being kind to people and standing up for what is right.

  • Ziggy

    Ziggy steady smokes on the pipe. He grows a special blend of the finest clay herbs in his back garden and gladly supplies his whole neighborhood with his harvest. Everyone keeps telling him to start up a business, but he maintains, “It’s not about the money, bruh.”

  • Zion

    Zion has been an avid skateboarder since his was a little kid. He currently resides in Buenos Aires, Argentina with his partner (who may or may not be a Lip girl). On the weekends, they play in their Punk Band, Clay Youth.

  • Zuberi

    Zuberi never knew what he wanted to be when he was growing up. All he knew was that he loved moving. He tried everything from competitive swimming to gymnastics, but nothing seemed right until he found tap dancing! He is now one of the best tappers in the world.